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Date/Time: Fri, 07 Mar 2025 02:47:17 +0000

Post From: bar count formula

[2018-03-21 22:53:07]
User450179 - Posts: 105

where do I post questions that are extremely low in priority that can be answered most likely by someone else using the software?

I am looking for the formula or study that will give me a running tally or sum of all the bars on a chart in real time i.e. if I am using a range chart set at 2 es points or 8 ticks then how many bars are there at this instant..and how many total bars there were at the end of trading?

on a different note.. who do I contact or how do I find someone who will put a study together for me. what i want is this and perhaps it is already in sierra chart and I overlooked it.

it is a chart based on bars so a HLC bar chart. it is built off of the time and sales data based on bid trades and ask trades. basically.. the bar is built without time being invovled so it would be a range chart but not with a defined range.. maybe it would be considered a volume chart? basically i want the BAR BUILT as the price changes and a new bar is not built until the TRADES flip from bid volume to ask volume.. so BID BID BID BID.. would be one bar then ask even if only one trade.. would be the next bar.. then bid.. yes I know it will have lots and lots of bars.
bid ask
bid ask bid ask

anyway cumulative bid trades and then cumulative ask trades build the bars regardless of time. but you do not get a new bar until bid flips to ask or ask flips to bid trades.

thank you and today during the fomc meeting announcement with 4 range charts and 2 1 second charts and 4 doms open your platform did not FREEZE ONCE!!!! wow simply amazing THANK YOU