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Date/Time: Sun, 19 Jan 2025 15:26:00 +0000

Post From: Data from different instance of sierra not working

[2018-03-21 12:02:03]
User942837 - Posts: 108
I upgraded to latest version of sierra. I've already done this before but had to revert again to version 1702 for my setup to work

My setup is as following.
Instance 1 connects to GAIN (which received full data access including 10 levels depth on dom)
Instance 2 connect to IB (which only receives inside market data - just 2 levels)

I am using Instance 2 to send orders to IB and have Chart settings on DOM set as per attached image using Symbol from Instance 1 (64Bit). Once I open find symbol, a 32 bit instance of sierra automatically opens - which still doesn't fix anything. On versions 1702 and prior versions (non 64 bit) I could receive quotes on the DOM from the instance 1. Now this doesn't work and I am receiving quotes from Instance 2 only (which I am not subscribed for full depth data).

Kindly see attached images. Please fix asap as I currently cannot upgrade my setup. Let me know if you require any further info to debug the issue.

I have reverted again to v1702 and provided a screen which shows that this works as expected (v1702setup.png)
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2018-03-21 12:12:41
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