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Date/Time: Sun, 19 Jan 2025 00:07:22 +0000

Post From: Basic Acsil Question for Users

[2018-03-03 23:14:58]
Devil_On_WallStreet - Posts: 67
Not change values... just input from Subgraphs... 2 examples... moving averages have the input parameters of "sc.BaseData[InputDataHigh.GetInputDataIndex()] AND sc.BaseData[InputDataLow.GetInputDataIndex()]" one task I am trying to do is attach a moving average to an existing study...

The 2nd example... I'll include some of the basic code I have so far...

for inputs I have changed the inputs for"InputDataHigh and InputDataLow to

StudySubgraph1Reference.SetStudySubgraphValues(0, 0); AND StudySubgraph2Reference.SetStudySubgraphValues(0, 0);

Then I created an array for each here is 1, I made a 2nd for the other SubgraphRef

  SCFloatArray StudySubgraph1Array;
sc.GetStudyArrayUsingID(StudySubgraph1Reference.GetStudyID(), StudySubgraph1Reference.GetSubgraphIndex(), StudySubgraph1Array);
if(StudySubgraph1Array.GetArraySize() < sc.ArraySize)

All I want to do is input these into the "sc.BaseData[InputDataHigh.GetInputDataIndex()] and other to the LOW" In the same way that changing the "Based ON" section of the study window would work. But since another part of the program is actually taking scHIGH and LOW data from the main price graph, I cannot simply change the input parameters within the study window. I've read over the documentation many times, and have tried SO MANY approaches to create indexes and input them... I KNOW it is probably WAY easier than I am making it, but I cannot find an example to save my life... And your documentation is phoenominal!!!