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Date/Time: Mon, 03 Mar 2025 10:31:44 +0000

Post From: Risk manager

[2018-02-07 13:51:10]
Napoleon Dynamite3 - Posts: 29
Hello, are there free or paid add-ons for SC acting as Risk Manager out there ?

For all, it can be a an invaluable tool to enforce consistancy through discipline as well as give some of the algo world’s benefits some more challenge through tighter competition

Some look-a-like drafts

Bascially, we would be looking for :


* max orders, global (platform) across all charts
default: max overall exposure notional / max leverage

* max orders per side on a single instrument = anti-grid / averaging down protection

* max trades lost per day
* max consecutive trades lost

* max daily loss
* max weekly loss
* max daily win
* max weekly win

Possible options to apply to these trading restrictions:

* losses set in cash (€) or in % of the account equity
* losses taken into account since the beginning of the day (/ week), or since the highest equity peak reached during the day (/ week) (protection against letting go the gains of a good day)

* stop trading until the next day session, or after a period of cool down fixed by time (X minutes)
* if several consecutive days reach any of the mentionned limits (trading suspended), then force an extended cool down period (Y days)

* ways to finish a trading day: close the current opened trades and all pending orders as soon as the thresholds €/% are achieved (global forced immediate closure, no discussion) ... or, wait for open trades to be manually closed / or that they reach their set profit targets/stoplosses (then prevent firther trading, not before)

* Automatic closure of the platform, after x seconds (observation time of the slaughter)
Impossibility to reopen or reuse the platform until the punition time ellapsed

* option to toggle the consideration of trading costs (commissions, slippage, rollover) for the calculus of losses and the distinction of losing/winning trades

Tyrannical bonuses :

* impossibility to remove a stoploss order,
* impossibility to lower a stoploss, only move it up

Extra features :

* ability to let the power to feed the parameters to a third party person remotely, instead of having the keys yourself (which lifts most of the restriction benefits when you have control)
Or at least, that this tool can be installed on a remote machine (VPS) which the access is difficult, yet controlling your main instance over the internet

* have a live counter as text info on chart, or as called pop-up somehow, of the evolution of the metrics acting as follow-up, like
Max global trades : x/y (where x = live count, y = limit)
Max trades per side : x/y
Max trades per day : x/y
Max losses per day : x/y
Max consecutive losses : x/y
Max daily loss : x%/y%
Max weekly loss : x%/y%
Max daily win : x%/y%
Max weekly win : x%/y%


Thanks for your attention. If any such developpement can be considered, let me know. I’d have access to a potential customers base to promote openly as best effort
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2018-02-09 09:20:29