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Date/Time: Tue, 26 Nov 2024 00:47:35 +0000

Post From: Why Sierra Chart TICK-NYSE Market Statistic Calculation is Very Good

[2018-02-01 00:22:10]
Merlin - Posts: 83
48838, if you think this through, this is really pretty simple.
For a given stock, the last tick is either +1 or -1, which means it always changes by + or - 2, as you said.

But there's a 3rd case, which is a stock that hasn't yet traded today at all.
There are some stocks counted in the index that trade very, very infrequently.
(Don't trade such stocks, they're not liquid enough!)

Until a stock trades for the first time in a day, it's not counted at all.
So it's not a +1 or a -1 - it's a 0.
Then the first time that stock trades today, it will move from 0 to either +1 or -1 - a move of 1.
(As I understand it, this will be a function of that stock's most recent trade, which could be yesterday or last week.)
That 1-point change will always change the entire Tick's even/odd status.

So, every time another stock trades for the very first time today (meaning the total number of stocks counted in the index increases by one), the Tick index will change from odd to even or even to odd.
