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Date/Time: Sat, 18 Jan 2025 10:51:54 +0000

Post From: Reward/Risk Properties: Stop Marker auto snapping when "No Auto Snap" enabled

[2018-01-25 22:06:12]
tesseract353 - Posts: 66
I read and understood the documentation you sent me.

I verified the GGCG8 (Gold futures) chart's Tick Size setting is is .1 in the Chart Settings.

I understand the anchor points for drawings are limited to the bar positions in the x direction and the tick size in the y direction.

I understand everything you are referring to when you talk about auto-snapping functionality, and how enabling No Auto Snap is supposed to override it.

In my experiments (inside the constraints, and with the exception of the workaround described in post #3) the Reward/Risk Tool's Stop Marker always auto-snaps to price, whether or not No Auto Snap is enabled or disabled.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2018-01-25 22:17:27