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Date/Time: Fri, 17 Jan 2025 19:48:27 +0000

Post From: Spreasheet alerts from different sheets

[2017-12-15 16:52:25]
User98657 - Posts: 329
I'm in need of a spreadsheet on two different charts in the ES. both in the same CB.
For efficiency, i assumed to use one SpreadSheet Alert (SSA) study and allow the chart numbers to drive the sheet numbers (Sheet #1 and Sheet #12).
I assumed to build formulas on each sheet respectively, then assumed to use a color bar study on each chart to reference the subgraphs of the spreadsheet, and later a price/study overlay to get the results onto one chart.

I assumed each spreadsheet would have its own set of subrgraphs relative to each sheet/chart.

What i'm finding however, is that if Sheet 1 column K, L, M, N..., is true, the arrows show up on both charts. I can hide the SSA Study and not have the arrows show on the chart, but that's not my issue. My issue is that i don't want Chart 12 to see those subgraphs at all. I want Chart 12 to see columns K, L, M, N... from its own sheet.

On both charts In:59 is set to ByNumber, In:1 is set to its default "0", In:7 on Chart 1 is set to 1, and on Chart 12 it is set to 12.

Is this by design?

Obviously if this is the case one needs to use completely separate spreadsheet studies for each chart in order to reference different subgraph outputs.

Or, if I've missed something in the documentation I'd appreciate it if you could redirect me.