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Date/Time: Sat, 18 Jan 2025 01:50:25 +0000

Post From: Flex Renko Charting Problem

[2017-12-03 00:29:44]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
What you do not realize is that we welcome you to post what we said in 1,000,000 places on the Internet.

We would be more than happy that you do that. And we encourage you to do so. Please spend all day on this for us.

Nothing would make us happier.

And furthermore, there is no problem with Flex Renko bars in the current version, and it would be highly unlikely that you cannot get what you need with the new implementation since all of the different operating modes (through Renko New Bar Mode) which are required from users, are supported. So if the issue is, that you want the old behavior, it is not clear what that is in your(GT trader) particular case. There has never been a clear and concise request from you in regards to that.

Furthermore, if you think we are done with Renko development that is not really true. We are currently working on another mode requested here:
Aligned Renko [New Trend Bar] selection not working current ver

And there is also one other little detail involving reversals at the point of a gap which is not handled right in some cases. It is a non-typical scenario that we want to handle just perfectly.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-12-03 01:13:57