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Date/Time: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 21:51:00 +0000

Post From: CalculateTimeSpanAcrossChartBars for remote chart

[2017-11-16 19:37:31]
onnb - Posts: 662
The time span between these chart bars would be considered 0.
That is understood

Notice that the call uses indexes 100 and 101 - CalculateTimeSpanAcrossChartBarsInChart(chartnumber, 100, 101, span)
So the span is basically CalculateTimeSpanAcrossChartBarsInChart(chartnumber, 8:59:30, 9:30:30, span) with a 30 minute no trading period in between

Let me try and be more clear about this

Start of span, index 100: 8:59:30
End of session: 9:00:00
Start of session: 9:30:00
End of Span, index 101: 9:30:30

In this case, we are expecting to get 60 seconds
30 seconds from the start of the span to the end of the session
30 seconds from the start of the session to the end of the span

Btw, it doesn't really matter of index 102 is in the same second as index 101.
The time window between the start of the session and index 101 is not counted is where the question lies.

For example, if index 102 was 9:30:35 we would get
Span = 30 + 5 = 35
We would expect 30+30+5 = 65

Hope this makes it more clear.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-11-16 19:39:05