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Date/Time: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 17:13:59 +0000

Post From: Possible to show 2 chartbooks side by side in 2 monitors?

[2017-11-09 08:48:23]
User907968 - Posts: 825
I can get charts detached and kind of achieve the same effect, but being able to run 2 chartbooks side by side would be more elegant & easier. Would rather not do 2 instances as I do not want the chartbooks & settings getting copied and going out of sync when I update the chartbooks.

I would suggest reviewing the information in the link provided above again, specifically the part that says 'Setting Detached Chart to Always Be Visible'.

This setting allows me to run a chartbook for each instrument traded and keep an overview chart from each visible at all times, regardless of which chartbook is active in the main Sierra window.

Any changes made on the detached charts (from different chartbooks remember), apply only to the chartbook from which they originate, nothing else.

Apologies if I misunderstood, but is this not what you are wanting to do?