Support Board
Date/Time: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 16:02:07 +0000
Post From: Renko: no option for using either "true" OHLC or Renko "body" Open/Close in Alert Formulae ?
[2017-11-04 19:06:14] |
User68474 - Posts: 201 |
Just to be a bit more specific if it helps with my query. I've attached a screenshot of Flex Renko 10-9-1 from Version 1632 with two(2)simple Color Bar Fill alert studies. 1: Brt.Green if "=C>O" and 2: Brt.Red if "=C<O". For example, if a trend "run" is Up, bars by default are painted dark green. Most of them have the same Open and Close but still conform to the Flex Renko code for continued trend and remain dark green. Some, even though also still conforming to trend code, however, have "internal" numbers (which I can read in my "Chart Values for Tools")where the "C>O" or "C<O" and they are duly and accurately highlighted. They are "filled" as per the simple added alerts. This is something I like to be able to see for my particular purposes, and can thus use that info further in some of my more complex(not very!) alert formulae. Works the same, obviously, for designated "Down" trends painted by default dark red. Screenshot #2 is from today's newest V. 1635. Same chart, same simple alert formulae "C>O" results in ALL bars of a given Up"Trend" highlighted Brt. green and conversely, all Down "trend" runs "filled" Brt. red by "C<O". I reckon that is because "C" now refers to "Renko Close" only and "O" refers to "Renko Open" only, which, by definition/code always has "Up" is "C>O" and Down" is "C<O". I'd sure like to be able to have the option of using some kind of "ID" to continue to "differentiate" in my other alert formulae between "Renko (body) Open/Close" and the actual O-H-L-C which are presented in the Chart Values for Tools Window. |