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Date/Time: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 16:03:30 +0000

Post From: Is there an easier way than 'Spreadsheets' to chart a combo (multi-leg position)?

[2017-11-01 22:48:06]
ErikT - Posts: 121
Hi Guys,

Sorry to be a pest, but before I dive into what looks like a lot of work learning all about Spreadsheets in SC, I just have to ask if there's an easier way...

I want to chart an asymmetric fly spread: Short 1 CLZ17, long 2 CLU18, short 1 CLZ18. Because this is an asymmetric (uneven number of contracts on either side of the spread) fly, there is no exchange-traded symbol for it. You have to define it as above from the 3 legs.

IB does this with a very simple synthetic symbol called a 'combo'. You just say create new combo, put in the trade legs (as above), and then you can both chart and trade it as if it were a single security. For charting they just sum together the OHLC fields from each leg in the synthetic instrument (combo). You can then use all the standard studies on the chart of the combo instrument, except that certain ones line volume can only be applied to one underlying symbol, so they use the first leg of the combo for them.

I think I see a way to do this using Spreadsheets - basically set up the underlying legs in their own charts, then have a spreadsheet reference those other charts, sum the OHLC together in the spreadsheet, and then just have a single region on the chart that is dedicated to showing the spreadsheet results. I haven't dug far enough into the documentation yet to learn whether I'll be able to use other studies on the displayed spreadsheet's results, or whether I'll be able to use candlesticks to plot the spreadsheet results.

That's an awful lot of work to chart one fairly simple fly spread. I'm guessing/hoping there is a much easier way (akin to IB's combos), but after scouring the online documentation for over an hour I sure can't find it. Can you point me in the right direction?
