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Date/Time: Fri, 07 Mar 2025 02:10:48 +0000

Post From: Auto-trail a stop in relation to a exponential moving average

[2017-11-01 14:39:03]
User836691 - Posts: 5

I am wondering how i can achieve the following trailing stop idea. I want to auto trail my stop in sync with the moving average, say 3-4 ticks above the moving average. How can I automate this?

So for example, if I enter short, after I see that the trade is seeming to work out, I want to turn on my auto trail stop, such that it auto trails a moving average i have, and the stop always remains 3-4 ticks above the moving average, and eventually when price crosses the moving average and 3-4 ticks after crossing, it would take my stop out.

Thank you,
John Wood