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Date/Time: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 13:18:36 +0000

Post From: Difference between IB-TWS and Sierra Chart volume moving average plot

[2017-10-31 21:17:46]
User84364 - Posts: 10
I tried looking for similar posts but I didn't see anything on this specifically. When using IB as a data source in Sierra chart, all of the data matches exactly to IB's TWS platform - which is expected.

However it seems the way Sierra Chart graphs its moving average on available data is different from how IB TWS's platform does it. Sierra chart's moving average has the right data values, but the plot is little strange - if you eyeball, it looks as though the value is several times the volume - but the data window shows that it is indeed correct. That would suggest an issue with plotting.

First screenshot shows the 50 EMA on Volume for Sierra chart, the ema plot is way off

on IB, the 50 ema for Volume is where it should be, below the volume bar.
imageSierra Chart.PNG / V - Attached On 2017-10-31 21:16:33 UTC - Size: 43.13 KB - 367 views
imageIB platform.PNG / V - Attached On 2017-10-31 21:16:36 UTC - Size: 37.79 KB - 764 views