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Date/Time: Mon, 01 Jul 2024 22:39:46 +0000

Post From: Shout Out to Lee Harris "EMOJI"

[2017-10-24 23:09:25]
jsoviero - Posts: 84
Hi All Sierra Users,
In the dark world of trading schools, mentors and indicators it is hard (next to impossible) to find anything good.
I recently found two exceptions to this sad reality.
First is the 7 part video series by Lee Harris of Emoji Trading freely available on youtube.
Second is Yons Sierra Projects also freely available on youtube.
IMHO these are priceless informative resources that clearly demonstrate how and why the Sierra Chart Platform is superior to all others.
I make these statements to share what I have painstakingly learned from years of constant practice.
I am not a shill for either of the above. Just another guy looking for my edge.
Best of luck to all, and "thanks" to Sierra folks for endless improvements.
Warm regards, joe