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Date/Time: Fri, 07 Mar 2025 02:50:30 +0000

Post From: MDI Chartbook Navigation on multiple monitors?

[2017-10-21 20:19:02]
ErikT - Posts: 121
Hi Guys!

The more I dig into SC, the more I like it. Great work!!! :)

I love the MDI navigation of the various charts in a CB in the main window. Great design. So now I want to have several different chartbooks open, one on each of several monitors, with MDI tabs at the bottom of each monitor allowing me to choose which chart in the CB to display on each monitor.

A friend who is an experienced SC user told me "Yeah, they have that - use the DETACH CHARTBOOK function - it works like DETACH CHART, but it detaches the whole chartbook onto another monitor". Sounded great. But I cannot find any such function. I already know how to detach a chart and put it on another monitor, but that doesn't give me a second (or third, or fourth) set of MDI tabs to choose which chart from a CB to display on that monitor at a given time.

I started to go down the path of trying to run three or four instances of SC simultaneously, so I could open a different CB in each. In theory that would accomplish what I desire, but I have a bad feeling about this approach - wouldn't that mean each instance would separately try to login to my CQG feed simultaneously? Would that cause problems?

Bottom line, I have to believe there's a way to do this but I feel like I'm missing what the feature I should be using is. Please advise whether multiple instances are a good idea, or if there's a better way to get MDI tabs on each of several monitors.

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-10-21 20:30:18