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Date/Time: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 09:01:01 +0000

Post From: V1382 Exits when $J$8=0 even though formula AND Condition is $J$8>0

[2017-10-07 21:02:24]
User29926 - Posts: 92

I looked at the spreadsheet formula "=AND(OR(H7=TRUE,H8>1),OR(H9,H10))" regarding the yellow cells
Having to wait until H8>1 goes "<--- must me >1 to lock condition, must be 1 before resetting"
I`m confused on that.

This is the actual code that I use in the $H$64 cell of my trading spreadsheet.

=AND(OR( $H$64 =1, IF(AND( $H$90=0,ABS(($H$56 - $H$54)) <= $H$68, SUM(ID64.SG1@3:ID64.SG1@6)),1,0)),

OR($J$8 = 0, OR($H$90= 0,OR ($H$62= 0, OR ($H$50 = 0 ,$H$95= 0))) ))

It locks perfectly and $H$90= 0, unlocks it.
When $H$90 goes to true (1) and back to false(0), $H$64 cell is unlocked and reset to false(0)

But $H$64 cell will never unlock and reset back to zero (0) with more then one unlock reference cell.
The cell needs to unlock whenever either of the 5 referenced cells goes to true(1) and back to false(0) .

This code: IF(AND( $H$90=0,ABS(($H$56 - $H$54)) <= $H$68, SUM(ID64.SG1@3:ID64.SG1@6)),1,0)) happens only once to lock the $H$64 cell.

Are you saying that I Have to wait for it to go back to zero(0) and then back to true(1)again to allow an unlock/reset to occur ???
If so, that will not work for me.

This $H$64 cell is just one of 4 other lockable cells that must be true(1) for a trade to happen.
It may take an hour or more for all the other three cells to go true(1) and lock.

Now, if certain conditions happen during that period of time to any of the four lockable cells(each of these lockable cells have multiple and different conditions that can cause an unlock and reset).

I need to unlock and reset all cells to false(0) that were previously locked.
Effectively resetting all trade entry parameters.

Actually, a 'Recalculate All Formulas' will release any locked TRUE condition, so recalculating the sheet, or any portion of it, is not the solution.

I'm puzzled as to why enabling a user to recalculate a cell in a spreadsheet with a built in function is not a good idea?

Being able to put in cell $H$90: =IF(AND($H$64 = 1,($CU$3 < $CW$3)),Recal($H$64),0)

It would make trying to change a value in a targeted cell when we need to a lot simpler then trying to figure out how to code multiple cells lock and unlock formulas to do so.

Myself and I`m sure others would find it useful.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-10-07 22:43:06