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Date/Time: Mon, 20 Jan 2025 08:31:43 +0000

Post From: Sierra Exchange Data + IB order routing

[2017-09-27 21:25:18]
Jagui1 - Posts: 14
Does SC support have to add mapping for each symbol, or class mapping can be done?
I mean, adding this mapping: ???-STK-SMART/NYSE solves the problem for all NYSE symbols or not?
I plan to trade the 100/200 more traded stocks on NYSE and NASDAQ with IB using the SC realtime datafeed... do I need to worry?

I have a database of all IB symbols which I update frequently with a little software I made using IB API + web scraping... if it would be useful I can provide this database (or the software) to SC support for a definitive mapping.

I didn'd try to trade yet, but about receiving data from SC datafeed + IB I noticed that IB symbols with spaces (eg. "BRK B") are not recognized by SC datafeed. If I use "BRK.B" this is recognized by SC datafeed and so the chart gets historical data, but not the realtime updates from IB (see attached image).
imagebrk.png / V - Attached On 2017-09-27 21:25:01 UTC - Size: 21.25 KB - 376 views