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Date/Time: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 02:47:12 +0000
Post From: VolumebyPrice Spreadsheet Columns output changed from V1482?
[2017-09-27 18:49:02] |
User931283 - Posts: 55 |
I'll study your suggestions. Without my sequence of versions/spreadsheet creations/VbP overlays, from V1450, V1454, V1481, you can't reproduce what happened. But I can show you. In re your "We want to understand why there are 4", here's a pic of a new test spreadsheet created by V1615 source chart #20: V1615 creates 3 cols.--what you said/ expect. Creation-not overlay, is consistent, 3 cols after V1454. V1454 or prior created the 4-column VbP and the 15-col. (not 16) VbP (the prior #44 spreadsheet pic cut off SG2, SC not running, trailing 11 col's had 0 - no data) I ran a V1481 Replay to see if #44 Sheet would ever fill data into trailing 11 VbP columns (4+11=15) when running: NO, did not, only 4 columns had data updating in the overlay- from the source VbP 4 columns created by V1454 or prior. Here is a better pic, 15 cols of V1450-81 target #44 overlay from source #20, SC running. For a new sheet, V1481 creates 3 columns for VbP, like V1615 (not overlay). The only issue is "consistent overlay prior column count fidelity" from old source study overlays with inconsistent col's. or: How to fill 11 additional columns that were in the old spreadsheet that V1615 overlay now drops. V1615 overlay probably keeps 4 of old 15 cols because 4 have data and trailing 11 SG6-SG16 have 0's. Does "[reproduce] however many columns there may be in a VbP? The answer to the question is yes" mean you'll try to make overlays look for spreadsht columns by prior spreadsheet headings, not just by data other than 0-zeros? Before building/changing a spreadsheet, the overlay should look to see how many headings were in the old spreadsheet, (preserve column count with fidelity), regardless whether any data is in columns. EDITED: Meanwhile, Trying Workarounds: I tried "Horizontal Lines" as a columns filler; Almost works. (Your old solutions don't seem to fit). 40 lines in the sub-headings makes the spreadsheet look screwy, though. Could you add a "Number of Lines" option? (now a set #, 40) Or a similar study with 10 lines? LATEST: The V1615 overlay apparently completely lost ID30 Study. Last Pic added shows it gone, other studies now out of sequence Pic V1615Chart44-VbPoutputs4Cols-StudyID29-2-HorLines-Study30Missing Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-09-28 16:03:42
20-testtempVbP-V1615.jpg / V - Attached On 2017-09-27 16:57:58 UTC - Size: 249.81 KB - 359 views V1481Chart44-VbPoutputs16Cols-2-SimRunning.jpg / V - Attached On 2017-09-27 16:58:15 UTC - Size: 240.29 KB - 367 views V1615Chart44-VbPoutputs4Cols-StudyID29-2-HorLines-Study30Mis.jpg / V - Attached On 2017-09-28 16:03:24 UTC - Size: 249.29 KB - 362 views |