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Date/Time: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 23:49:36 +0000

Post From: All charts in existing chartbook suddenly stopped updating; new charts work ok?

[2017-09-25 12:33:56]
ErikT - Posts: 121
Hi, new SC user. Loving the product so far but this is really bizarre...

I'm working from a known-good chartbook sent to me by a friend. All her charts worked great for the first week. These are all CL futures charts. I am subscribed to CQG data feed, and the status bar is green with good connection. But on Sunday's open, the charts did not update price on the open - stayed stuck on Friday's close. No new bar displayed, etc. If I shut down SC completely, then start it back up, the charts will update to the moment I restarted SC. But they don't update after that. It's almost as if some switch called "Keep the charts up to date with live data" got accidentally turned off somehow for every chart in the book.

Now for the really weird part. If I open a NEW chart starting with Find Symbol, it updates fine with live data. So we know the data feed is good. But the charts in the chartbook won't update.

Closing the chartbook and re-opening it (without shutting down SC) does nothing. The chart re-opens with stale data, and is not up to date. If I shut down SC completely, re-start, and then open the chartbook, it loads the data ONCE and the chart is up to date but it won't update after that.

Possibly related (?): There was a power outage here on Saturday, and this chartbook was open in SC at the time. The system crashed and was rebooted after power restored. I would hope SC is designed not to be vulnerable to data loss in such circumstances, but this could conceivably have contributed to the problem?

Thanks in advance,