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Date/Time: Fri, 07 Mar 2025 03:22:25 +0000

Post From: bitfinex data feeds are showing gaps in SC

[2017-08-21 03:03:20]
4646ed - Posts: 230
Hear hear. Absolutely do an exchange yourselves. You guys are easily smarter and more professional and more experienced than anyone in digital currencies, as far as i can see...and the industry is still in its infancy and could use a really good and honest bunch of guys doing a technologically-kick-ass exchange. You could even figure out how to bundle SC membership with it. The opportunity is there, the time is ripe. You could probably program it in your sleep...
I'd sell my family to get on board something like that.
But Bitfinex is best i've found so far. Its got major problems in customer support (though they are always polite), and charting and trading are rudimentary but the order book is most liquid and thus most useful of them all if you use it to trade. AND, using SC for analysis is just the bees knees, the cat's meow...i've found a phenomenal edge because of it and am LOATHE to give it up.
Maybe i'll let you in on it some day...
THANKYOU for solving/addressing this issue. Sorry for pushing your buttons. But DON'T be initially dismissive -- you dont NEED to lose customers by expressing an impetuous ill-formed assessment. Just say we'll try but we're not sure what we can do. Then, if you can, you can, if you cant, you cant. Don't leave me thinking you couldn't be bothered.
And spring for some really energetic intern-drone, train them well, let them do the basic support that engineers shouldn't do -- then the engineers will have time to develop the important stuff that you guys say you are two years behind on...and a new bitcoin exchange...before goldman sachs and microsoft ruin it all.