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Date/Time: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 18:52:30 +0000

Post From: I just sent you the message log showing the disconnects I am getting

[2017-07-20 18:09:44]
User432504 - Posts: 73
SC : I did the re-install again already last evening. When I did the re-install yesterday, it did not give me the error message like it originally did. However, I did the re-install again today just now. It did not give me the original message of being updated but with errors either times that I did the re-install.
The bottom line is, I did the reinstall yesterday and did not get the update with error message. However, I did get the disconnects again today.

It seems I get disconnected almost everyday and get the message that the heartbeat has not received a response in over 40 seconds. Someday's I get disconnected twice and usually spread out over the day. Today I was disconnected 3 times in a row.

This can't go on. It is too distracting to my trading. Thanks for doing a fix for this.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-07-20 18:12:13