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Date/Time: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 17:41:09 +0000

Post From: Questions about connecting to Sierra Real Time Data and trading through Interactive Brokers

[2017-07-07 08:32:01]
trader2017 - Posts: 115
Question 4 is solved, since I am now getting real time data from Comex.

I thought I had read all the instructions, but I found this after I wrote my last post.


“In Sierra Chart, select Global Settings >> Symbol Settings. Press the Update From Server button. Wait for the button to reenable and then press OK.”

Also, I realized that I had to lookup the symbol again in Chart Settings since the symbols are now different, for example before it was GCQ17. Now it is GC-201708-NYMEX.

I didn’t see that instruction written anywhere, I just noticed it when I added the micro symbol to trade and wanted to keep the regular contract displayed in the charts.

Also, I noticed that my previous question number 1 was answered too, because a letter “M” is now displayed and I had read the following from your user guide:

“You will know that this data feed is being used when you see a [M] indicator after the Symbol on the top line of the chart or Trade DOM.”

Just to be clear, the “M” means that the data is from Sierra and not Interactive Brokers, correct?

So when you get a chance if you could answer questions 2 and 3 from my previous post, I’d appreciate it.

Thanks again.