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Date/Time: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 12:57:10 +0000

Post From: "True" multi-dimensional In-Out Zoom

[2017-06-15 02:00:25]
User68474 - Posts: 201
Has anyone ever asked for having the capability of/option for what I'll call, for lack of a better term, a "truly" multi-dimensional (simultaneous vertical and horizontal)In-Out Zoom? Perhaps it is available and I don't realize it. I was just looking up something on the CME website that contained a chart which did just such an action with a simple scroll of the mouse wheel. I recall seeing this elsewhere before. It also had the "hand" as default for panning. This is wonderful for quickly and easily getting either a "landscape" or "close up", and at least for my purposes (I'd certainly imagine I couldn't be the only one)would be unbelievably helpful with both Bar and TPO profile charts of markets like CL, GC, NQ and Currencies that span large intraday ranges on a tick by tick basis. This, of course, helps a trader to keep a multi-timeframe perspective, avoid myopia, encourage more Gestalt perception, observe patterns better and easily refer to certain reference lines and "zones".