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Date/Time: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 10:23:06 +0000

Post From: Ques relate -> void GetTradeListEntry(unsigned int TradeIndex, s_ACSTrade& TradeEntry)

[2017-06-09 23:29:25]
jizzary - Posts: 177
is there any API to grab the number of trades populating the trade table (either simulated or real trades)
in order to know so the valid range of TradeIndex

is there a way to develop such API that will provide the first trade (including its index)
that took place after certain (provided) date/time ?

reading all trades at study's startup time (SetDefaults block) in case of reading real trades -
may take much time as it will probabely start at first trade after account creation date

is there a way to read last trade and then roll backwards to previous trades one at a time ....

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-06-10 20:29:57