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Date/Time: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 10:04:57 +0000

Post From: Running Sierra on two computers with Logon error message

[2017-06-08 00:29:59]
trader2017 - Posts: 115
Thanks for the additional information. As I mentioned in one of the above posts I think I will continue with two separate Sierra connections on two computers instead of the home network sub instance method. I think it’s worth the extra $20 a month to have a functioning computer with Sierra open and running if one of the computers breaks down during a trade.

If I have two separate connections, two separate copies of Sierra, on two computers I would think that it would have to keep the trading DOM and the TAL independent of each other.

I selected the option you recommended and I noticed the following warning in the dialog box: “The Order Fill Calculated Position has a high probability of being incorrect!”

Regarding what you mentioned earlier about how it would be better to open two accounts at IB, I don’t think I can open two separate sub accounts and have them both be part of a master account where all contracts reside and still only fund the one account with $10,000. I'm not sure if that is what you meant, but I’ll call and ask them about that later.

Also, because of the high margin requirements for what I’ll eventually be trading I can only have one or two open contracts at one time but hopefully if what we’re talking about works I can have any number appear to be open in Sierra even though they are cancelling each other out in the actual trading account.

You wrote that you will be documenting what you wrote about earlier, thank you for that, it seems from what you wrote that I will have to use the Order Fill Calculated Position feature even with the warning about inaccuracy, but maybe you were thinking that I was going to have a sub instance on a home network and not a separate connection. Let me know if having a separate connection changes your opinion of what I’ll need to do.

I will be setting up the trading account at IB next month and I’ll write again in this topic to let you know how it works out.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-06-08 00:30:49