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Date/Time: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 09:35:19 +0000

Post From: How to trade a different security from chart

[2017-06-07 06:50:06]
User972044 - Posts: 154
I have ALWAYS used sc.Autoloop = 0 and I have NEVER had this problem before and I have done automated trading by ASCIL for a year last year. This new program is just a copy-and-paste from my previous ASCIL codes that were working. And I can't set it to sc.Autoloop = 1, once I do that, it crashes the entire software when I load it into Sierra Charts.

Your own documentation even said sc.Index initially starts at 0 and increments up to sc.ArraySize -1 when the study is fully recalculated but sc.Index does not get incremented anymore.

And also I used to be able to use the string class NOT SCSTRING but string class from C++ to check for sc.Symbol to make sure I am trading the correct symbol from the chart but now with EXACTLY the same codes copied from my previous working programs, sc.Symbol is coming up blank. I am no longer able to check for substring in sc.Symbol anymore.

Something must've gotten changed with these newer versions of Sierra Charts. Please investigate.

Thanks. I only have ONE day of full usage of Sierra Charts left.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-06-07 06:51:13