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Date/Time: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 05:55:15 +0000

Post From: Issue with Daily OHLC study after version 1549

[2017-05-18 23:30:33]
User62936 - Posts: 68
I found there is a change with the Daily OHLC study after version 1549 that is causing me trouble. I use two instances of this study to plot the high and low for the previous day, but also the high and low during RTH only (0930 to 1700 ET). You can see this in my chart. Solid green line is the high and low during the entire previous day, whereas the dashed green line is only between 0930 and 1700, hence the RTH session.

The first image shows how this used to plot in version 1549 and earlier. (for reference, the blue dot is the Horizontal Line at Time study to mark the open at 0930, and the pink dot marks the close at 1615. The blue lines is the High/Low for Time Period study to mark the overnight high and low just before the 0930 open)

You can see in this first image, version 1549, that the RTH high and low via the dashed green line shows up nicely. It is circled via red and falls between the solid green levels, since on the previous day, 4/24, price didn't reach the overnight high and low, hence the RTH high and low is between the full daily high and low shown by the solid green lines.

In the next image, version 1558, this Daily OHLC study to mark the intraday high and low shows up differently. It doesn't start now until 0930 ET, as opposed to right at 1800 when the market opens after being close for an hour, which I guess is ok, but on the third image, "session times", you can see how this line now extends past 1800 into the next day. (hence its showing the RTH high from 2 day ago) You can see how I have my session times set up in this third image. At 1800ET, it is my understanding that the next session starts, but this is the overnight session for us here in North America.

Looking at the study inputs, I see no reason why things changed between versions 1549 and later versions. I suppose playing around with session times might change things, but it still makes no sense why the regular use of Daily OHLC study ends properly at 1800, whereas selecting "Use Day Session Only" extends this line into the next day.

Is there a reason for this change or can it be put back exactly how it worked before? I see no mention of this study being updated anyway so I'm not sure why its plotting like this now.

imagever 1549.jpg / V - Attached On 2017-05-18 23:23:04 UTC - Size: 245.48 KB - 379 views
imagever 1558.jpg / V - Attached On 2017-05-18 23:23:10 UTC - Size: 220.66 KB - 296 views
imagesession times.jpg / V - Attached On 2017-05-18 23:23:16 UTC - Size: 275.42 KB - 322 views