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Date/Time: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 18:19:02 +0000

Post From: Another Scale Option (Feature Request)

[2017-04-30 18:29:16]
User58241 - Posts: 24
Just another idea to add to the conversation: Obviously the more automated one can make a process the better. I had suggested letting the user determine the multiplier used in trying to "normalize" volume between day and evening sessions. What may be even better would be to automate that by having the charting program take the the average volume of the previous day session and divide it by the average volume of the previous evening session. This, then, could serve as the "automatic multiplier" used to "normalize" volume for the current evening session. However, realizing that it is possible for volatility and volume to change significantly from one day to the next, it would be good to allow for an override option that a user could "set" to override the automatic multiplier calculated by the program. If it were possible to display that automatic multiplier in some way (maybe even in the "Study settings" itself, where the override multiplier would be set by the user), that would make it easier for a user to calculate, more or less, what value to put in the override setting if there has been a particularly large increase or decrease in volume from one day to the next. I realize that this whole idea would add some complexity to the programming, but it may be a useful way to go if it were possible to do. Again, the actual values for volume during the day and evening session are not important to me in the least. I just want an acceptable, visible representation of what volume is doing at different points on the chart (i.e. particularly where there are large increases or decreases in volume) displayed in a "normalized" fashion between day and evening sessions.

Anyway, some food for thought... Thanks again for your willingness to look at this new-feature possibility!

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-04-30 18:42:27