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Date/Time: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 07:36:14 +0000

Post From: Text display from spread sheet

[2017-04-09 15:34:33]
User93534 - Posts: 30
Hi, I am trying to display text on the chart from a spread sheet formula like this:

=IF(AND(BA3>0,ID0.SG4@3>AN3),"LGS UP",IF(AND(BA3>0,ID0.SG4@3<AN3),"MM UP",IF(AND(BA3<0,ID0.SG4@3<AN3),"LGS DOWN",IF(AND(BA3<0,ID0.SG4@3>AN3),"MM DOWN",0))))

the formula works fine and returns desired text in the cell but the text display from study just returns 0.00 on the chart. Is it possible to print the text on the chart or do I need to make numerical value like 1-4 and assign a color or some other work around?

Would prefer words.