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Date/Time: Sat, 18 Jan 2025 08:08:10 +0000
Post From: Set Replay Start Directly
[2017-04-05 23:28:39] |
Merlin - Posts: 83 |
I'm a discretionary trader in training, making extensive use of Sierra's replay capability to sim trade random days in the past. To replicate the live trading experience, it is critical to trade "blind", with no advance knowledge of the day's activity that could affect my trading decisions. Currently, Sierra makes this difficult to achieve. First I have to manually set the date range using "Chart Settings/Use Date Range" on each of the various charts in my chartbook. Chart linking doesn't work well for this purpose, because my chartbook includes ten charts with a broad range of timeframes and days-to-load requirements. Once I've loaded a chart, Sierra immediately shows me the chart for the end of the day - which I shouldn't see before I sim-trade! Then I have to scroll the main trading chart back to the session open, again without seeing any of the activity on the chart, before pressing "Play" to start the replay. I can currently get around this problem, somewhat, by loading an extra week's worth of future data after the date I want to trade, and then using the "Goto Date/Time" function to go the session start of the day I want to trade. This is better than nothing, but it's cumbersome, and even knowing how the week turns out is not ideal. SUGGESTION: It would be excellent if the Replay Chart window had an optional "Start Date/Time" field that worked like this: 1) The user sets the date/time before the replay begins 2) When the user clicks "Play", Sierra reloads all charts in the chartbook to the specified date and time, with past data based on each chart's "Use Number of Days to Load" chart setting. This would be enormously convenient, and it would make it possible to start a replay on any day without ever seeing chart activity beyond the start time. I know you are not currently accepting enhancement requests! Please forgive me for asking this one anyway. :-) I think it might be easy for you to do, and it would make a big difference for me and anyone else in my situation. Thanks for considering this request. And I'll also appreciate any suggestions you may have for me, if I'm overlooking a better way to do this with the current software? Kind regards, Merlin Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-04-06 00:15:55