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Date/Time: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 09:46:12 +0000

Post From: Trade DOM Recenter Line & Background Color

[2017-03-23 17:54:03]
pipsmart - Posts: 15
Hello, I have couple requests:

1. when we enable the 'Recenter Line' in the Trade DOM, the line appears on the numbers and makes it difficult to read the numbers in the middle of heat. Instead, can you make the 'Recenter Line' visible on the grid line that lies right between the inside bid and inside ask? That will make it look better for eyes.

2. In the Global Graphics Setting, you have Background Color options for majority of the columns except 'Trade DOM Bid Market Depth Pulling/Stacking' and 'Trade DOM Ask Market Depth Pulling / Stacking'. Can you include this may be in your upcoming release?

3. It would help if you could include the option to background / font color the 'Price' column as well. I would like to color highlight (background & font) of the traded prices in a different color vs non-traded prices for the current session.

Appreciate your support. Thank you.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-03-23 18:13:49