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Date/Time: Sun, 12 Jan 2025 18:56:20 +0000

Post From: DTC Client - an overfill UpdateOrder call has occurred

[2017-02-28 20:53:27]
User60271 - Posts: 64
Thanks for the response and the documentation references. Just to update after running with build 1522 the orders and fills seem to be handled correctly.
Messages related to 1. are no longer being reported. Noted on 2. I will add the position reporting responses to the server to resolve this.

The "overfill UpdateOrder error" is no longer happening either. I noticed that the LastFillQuantity in DTC message spec is a double. I can confirm that the fill quantity does not exceed the order quantity from the server side however the quantities, while stored internally as ints, are being cast to doubles to match the DTC UpdateOrder message format. Could this error be triggered due to a rounding issue when comparing the order quantity with the fill quantity in SC as a double?