Support Board
Date/Time: Sun, 12 Jan 2025 15:44:56 +0000
Post From: A Way to Reset only 1 chart to Default size? Chart only Minimized or Maximum
[2017-02-21 22:26:41] |
User931283 - Posts: 55 |
I've worked with SC daily for 19 months, but don't remember seeing this. Making very fine adjustments-moving 10 tall-narrow windows, I must have accidently hit a control key combination that made the Restore Size= minimized size on one chart. I can only get minimized or maximum for that chart. Chart window positions are crucial, since I have 40 charts in a 20-inch wide area. I back up often & have restore option, but would lose hours of adjustments. Likewise, I can't reset all windows. The chart name appears on bottom bar of the Chartbook. Is there a command or option to reset ONLY 1 highlighted (focus) chart to a default size (or prior normal size) without resetting others? - - - - - UPDATED-- HOLD for now. I seem to have gotten it working by closing, restarting S.C. + using Windows Control Keys Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-02-21 23:10:56