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Date/Time: Sun, 12 Jan 2025 09:44:27 +0000

Post From: ACS - threading

[2017-02-03 16:14:56]
jizzary - Posts: 177
i would like to develop a house-keeping thread that will be running in lower pririoty comapring to Sierrachart thread(s)

1. what is the priority of Sierrachart's thread(s)

2. do I have any API to set the priority of Sierrachart's thread(s)

3. do u have any recommendation as for the model i see here ?
(including recommended priority)

should u have any other comment on this issue - pls let me know

the thread will ne included in a different DLL (not the one where the study is included)
so i still can replace the DLL (as part of the study development work)
