Support Board
Date/Time: Fri, 07 Mar 2025 03:01:30 +0000
Post From: Another Example of Lost User and Wasted Time over Exchange Policies
[2017-01-25 04:19:16] |
Response: As a customer, I do not appreciate you negative tone.
We are only stating the facts. We are giving you the answers but then you are disregarding them. We waste far too much time about answering questions related to market data and exchange fees which we have no control over which relate to policies set and enforced by exchanges. The customer is always right, do not forget that.
We do not agree that the customer is always right. In a highly technical business like ours, and where there are exchange policies which must be followed and understood by *you the user*, for us to follow such a concept like the customer is always right is complete and total insanity and is ludicrous to say the least. Furthermore, the concept that the customer is always right is proven to be wrong as explained here: Your role in this entity is to SERVE and provide an efficient and helpful service to the people that pay you and this company to run. You are not presenting a positive image, when all you can do is send me a link to read when a customer has issues using your platform. If you would have had an efficient service, you would have just offered me what I asked for in the beginning which was for exchange data.
Now you lost a customer and left a negative image for the company you represent. You stated that I was able to get a refund, with a $5 service charge. I agree to this fee, please return funds ASAP. We did serve you and quoted you the cost of the requested services. The problem is you did not want to pay for them. We are presenting a positive image and we are not going to restate the very well-written and thorough documentation. It makes no sense because we can make a mistake with what we write when we restate it, or provide incomplete information. It is you where the problem is. We did offer you what you want. If we lost you as a customer, that is because it is your decision and because you do not want to pay for the services. You asked for a refund before our most recent comments. We do thank you for your comments. We did offer you the Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed which provides real-time CME data with the reduced CME exchange fees because you have a TD Ameritrade account. The problem is you just do not want to pay for it. That is the only issue here. Your decision not to use the data feed clearly is because of cost. Also keep in mind there is no one out there who is not a broker or trading service provider who offers a real-time high quality CME data feed and high quality full-featured charting and trading software at lower prices than we do. We are simply only being honest and accurate and that should be appreciated. We would hope you would recognize the real problem is the irrational, and greedy exchanges and their policies which we document here thoroughly: About Real-time Futures Data This is why we are making this public. It is not fair to put the blame on us. We communicated the pricing information to you and you made a decision that you do not want to use the service. We are going to simply tell the truth and make this public. We would hope the real truth becomes clear as to the real problem which is the exchange policies which drive up the cost of market data and make access less reliable. You are not accomplishing anything with your negative comments. This support request only exemplifies our position and why it is, once we sense someone is not willing to accept the costs of the data feed and our services which are very very cheap, that we just have to stop and offer a refund and leave it at that. This is what we did with you. This should be appreciated and held in high regard. Instead you are reversing this around into something which it is not. You need to also understand, we do not earn any money on the exchange fees. We do not earn any money on the 35 USD per month data feed cost. All of that is paid to the data provider and to the exchange. It is not within our interest to go to out of our way to sell this. Other than letting users know this data feed is available. There is no special effort that that we make to sell it. Either the customer is interested or not. We are not going to go out of our way to sell a data feed which we are nothing on. This makes no sense whatsoever. Our time must be spent only productive support and developing our software, not wasting excessive time on pricing questions involving data feeds and exchange fees. We hope this gets reposted everywhere on the Internet. Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy: For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-01-29 19:11:19