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Date/Time: Sat, 11 Jan 2025 20:01:44 +0000

Post From: ACSIL output of chars/strings to a Spreadsheet study

[2017-01-01 05:12:27]
User553714 - Posts: 184
I know that you output arrays of values to a spreadsheet study using subgraph[] but it is unclear whether it is possible for ACSIL to output an array of chars or strings to a spreadsheet?

I am trying to replicate ACSIL outputting a list of 1-off custom calculations names and the values calculated by my ACSIL code (or list of setting names and their values) much like columns "I" & "J" in a spreadsheet study. I prefer to store the numerous 1-off calculations I do in rows rather than columns which I know you could do by naming each calculation as an individial subgraph[]. This would seem to be a bit silly if you are only calculating a single 1-off value which dosen't get re-calculated with new bars. Is this possible? Any pointers would be appreciated, maybe if you could point me to some sample code?