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Date/Time: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 02:00:42 +0000

Post From: Offering To The Community: Custom Stock Index Creator

[2016-12-13 12:42:49]
bjohnson777 (Brett Johnson) - Posts: 284
I got the quirk figured out and have uploaded a beta version for you to test. Give these instructions a try:

Open a new chartbook. Add the following studies with the following settings:

Custom Stock Index Creator: Short Name: Call Index, Chart Region: 2, Scale: Automatic, Symbol List: enter the call symbols, Volume (Straight). Subgraphs Tab: Index: Ignore. VolumeIdx: Green, Bar, Solid, 2.

Overlay (Single Line): Short Name: Call Index Line, Based On: Call Index, Chart Region 1, Scale: Independent, Chart Number: this one, Input Data: Index, Multiplier: 1, Display Zero Values: Yes. Subgraphs Tab: Green, Line, Solid, 2.

Custom Stock Index Creator: Short Name: Put Index, Chart Region: 1, Scale: Automatic, Symbol List: enter the put symbols, Volume (Straight). Subgraphs Tab: Index: Red, Line, Solid, 2. VolumeIdx: Ignore.

Study Subgraph Multiply: (singular version, not plural) Based On: Put Index, Short Name: Put Volume, Chart Region: 2, Scale Automatic, Input Data: Volume, Multiplier -1, Draw Zeros: Yes. Subgraphs Tab: Red, Bar, Solid, 2.

Study Subgraphs Add: (plural version, not singular) Short Name: Volume Difference, Chart Region 3, Scale: Automatic, Input Study 1: Call Index: Volume, Input Study 2: Put Volume: Result, Offset: 0, Draw Zeros: Yes, Perform Add With Zero Value: Yes. Subgraphs Tab: Purple, Bar, Solid, 2.

Sometimes a graph will disappear. Do Chart >> Recalculate or CTRL-INSERT. Full recalculate doesn't always restore the graph but partial will.

Main Price Graph should have green and red lines for call and put price index lines.
Second graph should have a stacked bar graph for green/call and red/put. Red lines should be negative and proportionally scaled to the green ones.
Third graph should have the difference between the green and red of the second graph.

To save all this: Analysis >> Studies >> Save Studies As Study Collection.
Enter a name like: Call-Put Index
Hit the "Save All" button.
Open a new chartbook for a different set of option symbols, select Analysis >> Call-Put Index, go into the Custom Stock Index Creator settings and enter new Symbol Lists for the new call/put symbol.

(Note that the beta version will be deleted once finished. The completed and stable version will always be attached to post 1 of this thread.)

edit: clarified instructions a little
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2018-01-31 07:09:25