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Date/Time: Sat, 11 Jan 2025 13:50:16 +0000

Post From: Future rollover issues

[2016-12-08 08:48:39]
User560062 - Posts: 100

this is the first time I am experiencing such problem and tried all possible things that I could think of and still the problem is coming back. I have my charts set up using Continuous -> date rule rollover back adjusted. Yesterday I wanted to roll forward a FGBL contract to march and normally all I do is simply to go to chart and perform futures rollover. For some reason that I cannot understand, all time highs and the volume profile vpoc price on the previous contract (for the previous day) before were non correct. This was confirmed with someone else using sierra and also others from other platforms.

So I decided to not save my charts and reload the chart again with the old contracts loaded and do the rollover again and this time worked without issues and got the adjustment I was expecting.

Today I opened the charts and found that yesterdays high and low on the new contract are again not correct. I can't understand what is going on. I tried going back to previous charts from yesterday from backup but i can't get the charts to display the correct prices. I also tried to see if I could manually adjust prices (not that it would be my preference to do so) but still did not manage to get the right prices printed for yest.

Kindly help as I am in a situation that I cannot trade knowing that chart prices are not correct.

Something has definately gone wrong with the rollover. Only time i got yest prices correct was when i set continuous contract to none, but of course the prices on the old contracts are incorrect. And I only managed to get this on 1 chart. Would appreciate if you can guide me on how can i get this issue resolved.

What i am seeing for yestrday Hi for FGBL March 17 is 161.82, but yesterday high should be 161.99.

Many thanks