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Date/Time: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 00:19:27 +0000

Post From: Is there a way to detect user drawn lines (numbers) ?

[2013-08-05 13:41:02]
marcovth - Posts: 61
Hello ...

Is there a way to detect user lines?

I want to make a script that detects a user (horizontal) line, started from e.g. a price bar low with a certain length ... and have this script drawing the same line (length & angle) starting at the low from the delta bar (with the same index).

I could not find a good example in de codes.
I probably have to use either sc.ActiveToolIndex or sc.GetUserDrawingByLineNumber() ?

Do user drawn lines get unique numbers? And if so, is there a way to grab these numbers without having the loop through 1..100000000 with if(sc.UserDrawnLineExists(sc.ChartNumber,n))?

Thanks for any suggestion.