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Date/Time: Fri, 27 Sep 2024 03:49:40 +0000

[Locked] - candles not updating in chart

View Count: 143

[2024-08-14 13:28:36]
greenugly - Posts: 18
i have a chart containing 5 minute ohlc candles and other info like volume delta and depth of market.
volume delta and dom are updating live, but the candles suddenly stopped.
have deleted all data and download, download data from end of chart etc, not working
previously when this happens i duplicate the chart and it works on the new chart, now that doesnt work anymore for some reason
please assist.

thank you in advance
[2024-08-14 15:07:24]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34744
Please get us the Message Log by following these instructions:
Support Board Posting Information: How to Post Your Message Log (Required In Some Cases)

We also need to know whether this is a sub-instance or not? And if it is a sub-instance do you have the same problem with the data in the main instance?

Also, what is the symbol of the chart for which you are having a problem?
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2024-08-14 17:13:06]
greenugly - Posts: 18
2024-08-14 12:43:21.915 | Trade activity files set size: 1232
2024-08-14 12:43:22.303 | Created the DTC Protocol server.
2024-08-14 12:43:22.304 | DTC Protocol Server listening on port 11099.
2024-08-14 12:43:22.304 | Reading Internal Order ID file.
2024-08-14 12:43:22.319 | Reading Trade Orders file.
2024-08-14 12:43:22.320 | Reading Trade Positions file.
2024-08-14 12:43:22.320 | Reading Trade Account Data files.
2024-08-14 12:43:22.321 | Software version: 2643 64-bit
2024-08-14 12:43:22.322 | OpenGL enabled (NVIDIA Corporation/NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Laptop GPU/PCIe/SSE2)
2024-08-14 12:43:22.322 | Primary Thread ID: 4244
2024-08-14 12:43:22.322 | Usage end date: 2024-09-14
2024-08-14 12:43:22.322 | Enabled for: Advanced Features 2.
2024-08-14 12:43:22.322 | Enabled for: Sierra Chart Historical Data Service.
2024-08-14 12:43:22.322 | Enabled for: Denali Real-Time Exchange Data Feed.
2024-08-14 12:43:22.322 | Enabled for: Delayed Denali Exchange Data Feed.
2024-08-14 12:43:22.322 | Enabled for exchange2: CME
2024-08-14 12:43:22.322 | Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds is enabled.
2024-08-14 12:43:22.322 | Current selected Data/Trading service: Teton CME Order Routing
2024-08-14 12:43:22.322 | Custom symbol settings values: enabled
2024-08-14 12:43:22.322 | Chart Update Interval: 500
2024-08-14 12:43:22.322 | Intraday Data Storage Time Unit: 0
2024-08-14 12:43:22.322 | Time Zone: +00:00:00 (UTC+00)
2024-08-14 12:43:22.322 | 2024-08-14 12:43:22 Local computer time in UTC
2024-08-14 12:43:22.322 | 2024-08-14 12:43:22 Local computer time in SC Time Zone
2024-08-14 12:43:22.322 | 2024-08-14 12:43:13 Server time in UTC
2024-08-14 12:43:22.322 | Local computer UTC time and Server UTC time difference: 1 seconds.
2024-08-14 12:43:22.322 | Program path: C:\SierraChart\
2024-08-14 12:43:22.322 | Data Files path: C:\SierraChart\Data\
2024-08-14 12:43:22.322 | OS Version Number: 10.0
2024-08-14 12:43:22.322 | Locale Setting: C
2024-08-14 12:43:22.324 | DLLs: BreathBubbles2.0_64.dll, gcUserStudies_2500_64.dll, UserContributedStudies_64.dll
2024-08-14 12:43:22.324 | Allowed protected custom studies:
2024-08-14 12:43:22.324 | Crash reporter started: true
2024-08-14 12:43:22.324 |
2024-08-14 12:43:22.337 | Created the DTC Protocol historical data server.
2024-08-14 12:43:22.338 | HD Server Manager | Listening on port 11098.
2024-08-14 12:43:22.338 | Checking for new symbol settings. Requested symbol settings MD5 for service code sc_futures_direct.dtc.trading. Request ID: 1.
2024-08-14 12:43:22.388 | HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-08-14 12:43:22.619 | HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-08-14 12:43:22.619 | HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Closed.
2024-08-14 12:43:23.627 | Symbol settings MD5 received. Request ID: 1.
2024-08-14 12:43:23.627 | Requested symbol settings for service code sc_futures_direct.dtc.trading. Request ID: 2.
2024-08-14 12:43:23.909 | Received 5 login tokens.
2024-08-14 12:43:24.834 | Requested user files to download.
2024-08-14 12:43:25.411 | Symbol settings received. Request ID: 2.
2024-08-14 12:43:26.837 |
2024-08-14 12:43:26.838 | Teton CME Order Routing | Firm: Phillip Capital
2024-08-14 12:43:26.839 | Teton CME Order Routing | Connecting to the server futurestrading14.sierracharts.com. Port 11089
2024-08-14 12:43:26.889 | DTC Client socket (1) | Creating socket. Using TLS 1.2.
2024-08-14 12:43:26.889 | DTC Client socket (1) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-14 12:43:26.889 | DTC Client socket (1) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-14 12:43:27.152 | Teton CME Order Routing | Network connection to server complete.
2024-08-14 12:43:27.152 | Teton CME Order Routing | Starting socket receive thread.
2024-08-14 12:43:27.152 | Teton CME Order Routing | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: none
2024-08-14 12:43:27.949 | Teton CME Order Routing | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-14 12:43:27.949 | Teton CME Order Routing | Sending logon request message.
2024-08-14 12:43:28.690 | Teton CME Order Routing | Received logon response.
2024-08-14 12:43:28.690 | Teton CME Order Routing | Server Name: SC DTC Server. Build=50039.
2024-08-14 12:43:28.690 | Teton CME Order Routing | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2024-08-14 12:43:28.690 | Teton CME Order Routing | Successfully connected. Connected to SC DTC Protocol server. Service=cme_ilink.trading|SymbolSettings=cme_ilink_live.trading.
2024-08-14 12:43:28.690 | Teton CME Order Routing | Trading is supported.
2024-08-14 12:43:28.690 | Teton CME Order Routing | Order cancel and replace is supported.
2024-08-14 12:43:28.690 | Teton CME Order Routing | OCO Orders supported.
2024-08-14 12:43:28.690 | Teton CME Order Routing | Bracket Orders supported.
2024-08-14 12:43:28.690 | Teton CME Order Routing | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2024-08-14 12:43:28.690 | Teton CME Order Routing | Connected to server complete.
2024-08-14 12:43:28.691 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | Number times message added: 3
2024-08-14 12:43:28.691 | Teton CME Order Routing | Performing query for most recent Order Activity Date-Time.
2024-08-14 12:43:28.702 | Teton CME Order Routing | Requesting historical order activity from server. Start date-time UTC: 2024-08-13 19:47:03.644841
2024-08-14 12:43:28.934 | Updated verified funded futures trading account ending date to: 2024-09-13 12:43:28
2024-08-14 12:43:28.964 | Teton CME Order Routing | Received final trade activity snapshot. Count=1. No data. TradeAccount=7PV1618
2024-08-14 12:43:30.055 | Files to Open on Startup | Opening file: ChartbookGroups\tae\DOM_BOOK.Cht
2024-08-14 12:43:30.881 | NQU24_FUT_CME/MNQU24_FUT_CME #9 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-14 12:43:30.937 | Loading DLL: C:\SierraChart\Data\UserContributedStudies.dll (UserContributedStudies_64.dll). Handle: 7ff9873b0000
2024-08-14 12:43:31.144 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME #10 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-14 12:43:31.215 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME 5 Min #5 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-14 12:43:31.464 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME #1 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-14 12:43:31.534 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-14 12:43:31.623 | Starting DelayedDownloadMonitoringTimer
2024-08-14 12:43:31.623 | Starting HDTimeoutTimer
2024-08-14 12:43:31.623 | Added historical Intraday data request for ESU24_FUT_CME to the queue.
2024-08-14 12:43:31.624 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-08-14 12:43:31.626 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Performing continuous chart historical Daily data download for symbol ESU24_FUT_CME starting at last date in file.
2024-08-14 12:43:31.626 | Starting DelayedDownloadMonitoringTimer
2024-08-14 12:43:31.626 | Starting HDTimeoutTimer
2024-08-14 12:43:31.626 | Added historical Daily data request for ESU24_FUT_CME to the queue.
2024-08-14 12:43:31.627 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-08-14 12:43:31.701 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 1, 2,
2024-08-14 12:43:32.105 | ESU24_FUT_CME 5 Min #8 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-14 12:43:32.582 | Loading DLL: C:\SierraChart\Data\gcUserStudies.dll (gcUserStudies_2500_64.dll). Handle: 7ff9faa30000
2024-08-14 12:43:33.277 | Loading DLL: C:\SierraChart\Data\BreathBubbles2.0.dll (BreathBubbles2.0_64.dll). Handle: 66000000
2024-08-14 12:43:33.339 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #3 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-14 12:43:33.349 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #3 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 1, 2,
2024-08-14 12:43:33.669 | NQU24_FUT_CME/MNQU24_FUT_CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2024-07-30 15:47:13
2024-08-14 12:43:33.887 | NQU24_FUT_CME/MNQU24_FUT_CME #9 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-08-14 12:43:33.893 | Mapping ESU24_FUT_CME to ESU24. Service code: cme
2024-08-14 12:43:33.893 | Using symbol data fast lookup vector
2024-08-14 12:43:33.893 | HD Request # 1 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ESU24_FUT_CME to the file ESU24_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2024-08-14 12:43:33.893 | HD Request # 1 | Download start date-time: 2024-08-13 19:47:13.000000. File last date-time: 2024-08-13 19:47:13.863012
2024-08-14 12:43:33.893 | HD Request # 1 | Using server: ds28.sierracharts.com port 10149
2024-08-14 12:43:33.895 | HD Request # 2 | Downloading Historical Daily chart data for ESU24_FUT_CME. Starting date: 2024-08-08. Service: sc_futures_direct.dtc.trading
2024-08-14 12:43:33.899 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME #10 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2024-07-30 15:47:13
2024-08-14 12:43:33.923 | Socket (2) | Creating socket.
2024-08-14 12:43:33.923 | Socket (2) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-14 12:43:33.923 | Socket (2) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-14 12:43:34.227 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME #10 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-08-14 12:43:34.232 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME #1 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2024-07-30 15:47:13
2024-08-14 12:43:34.380 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME #1 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-08-14 12:43:34.385 | HD Request # 1 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-14 12:43:34.385 | HD Request # 1 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-08-14 12:43:34.634 | Mapping MNQU24_FUT_CME to MNQU24. Service code: cme
2024-08-14 12:43:34.634 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MNQU24_FUT_CME (MNQU24). ID: 2 Service code: cme
2024-08-14 12:43:34.635 | Denali Data Feed | Connecting to the server ds26-2.sierracharts.com. Port 443
2024-08-14 12:43:34.636 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MNQU24_FUT_CME (MNQU24). ID: 2
2024-08-14 12:43:34.636 | Mapping NQU24_FUT_CME to NQU24. Service code: cme
2024-08-14 12:43:34.636 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: NQU24_FUT_CME (NQU24). ID: 3 Service code: cme
2024-08-14 12:43:34.636 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: NQU24_FUT_CME (NQU24). ID: 3
2024-08-14 12:43:34.637 | Added historical Intraday data request for NQU24_FUT_CME to the queue.
2024-08-14 12:43:34.637 | Intraday data recording state for symbol NQU24_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-08-14 12:43:34.637 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-08-14 12:43:34.677 | DTC Client socket (4) | Creating socket.
2024-08-14 12:43:34.677 | DTC Client socket (4) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-14 12:43:34.677 | DTC Client socket (4) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-14 12:43:34.701 | Mapping MESU24_FUT_CME to MESU24. Service code: cme
2024-08-14 12:43:34.701 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MESU24_FUT_CME (MESU24). ID: 4 Service code: cme
2024-08-14 12:43:34.701 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MESU24_FUT_CME (MESU24). ID: 4
2024-08-14 12:43:34.701 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: ESU24_FUT_CME (ESU24). ID: 1 Service code: cme
2024-08-14 12:43:34.701 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: ESU24_FUT_CME (ESU24). ID: 1
2024-08-14 12:43:34.720 | Requesting market depth updates for: ESU24_FUT_CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2024-08-14 12:43:34.720 | Requesting market depth updates for: MESU24_FUT_CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2024-08-14 12:43:34.720 | Requesting market depth updates for: MNQU24_FUT_CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2024-08-14 12:43:34.897 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: MNQU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-14 12:43:34.897 | Teton CME Order Routing | Received security definition for symbol MNQU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-14 12:43:34.897 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: NQU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-14 12:43:34.897 | Teton CME Order Routing | Received security definition for symbol NQU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-14 12:43:34.906 | Denali Data Feed | Network connection to server complete.
2024-08-14 12:43:34.906 | Denali Data Feed | Starting socket receive thread.
2024-08-14 12:43:34.906 | Denali Data Feed | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard
2024-08-14 12:43:34.961 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: MESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-14 12:43:34.961 | Teton CME Order Routing | Received security definition for symbol MESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-14 12:43:35.044 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-14 12:43:35.044 | Teton CME Order Routing | Received security definition for symbol ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-14 12:43:35.100 | HD Request # 1 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-08-13 19:47:13. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ESU24
2024-08-14 12:43:35.162 | Denali Data Feed | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-14 12:43:35.162 | Denali Data Feed | Sending logon request message.
2024-08-14 12:43:35.299 | HD Request # 2 | Requesting historical Daily data for ESU24 starting at 2024-08-07. SC External HD service.
2024-08-14 12:43:35.317 | HD Request # 1 | Decompressing data.
2024-08-14 12:43:35.579 | HD Request # 1 | Receiving Intraday data for ESU24_FUT_CME starting at 2024-08-13 19:47:13.863000
2024-08-14 12:43:36.050 | HD Request # 1 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-08-13 19:47:14.649000.
2024-08-14 12:43:36.214 | HD Request # 2 | Receiving historical Daily data for ESU24_FUT_CME starting at 2024-08-08.
2024-08-14 12:43:36.215 | HD Request # 2 | Writing historical Daily data to the file ESU24_FUT_CME.dly.
2024-08-14 12:43:36.217 | HD Request # 2 | Bytes received: 311
2024-08-14 12:43:36.217 | HD Request # 2 | Received 5 Daily data records from 2024-08-08 00:00:00 to 2024-08-13 00:00:00 (6.0 days) and wrote 4 records for ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-14 12:43:36.218 | HD Request # 2 | Completion time: 3s.
2024-08-14 12:43:36.218 | HD Request # 2 | Daily data download complete for ESU24_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 2
2024-08-14 12:43:36.218 | Removing historical data download ID 2.
2024-08-14 12:43:36.218 |
2024-08-14 12:43:36.218 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2024-08-14 12:43:36.323 | Denali Data Feed | Received logon response.
2024-08-14 12:43:36.323 | Denali Data Feed | Server Name: SC Realtime Server.
2024-08-14 12:43:36.323 | Denali Data Feed | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2024-08-14 12:43:36.323 | Denali Data Feed | Successfully connected.
2024-08-14 12:43:36.323 | Denali Data Feed | Trading is not supported.
2024-08-14 12:43:36.323 | Denali Data Feed | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2024-08-14 12:43:36.324 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Connecting to the server ds26-2.sierracharts.com. Port 10060
2024-08-14 12:43:36.324 | DTC Client socket (3) | Creating socket.
2024-08-14 12:43:36.325 | DTC Client socket (3) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-14 12:43:36.325 | DTC Client socket (3) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-14 12:43:36.325 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: ESU24_FUT_CME -> ESU24. Market Depth data restarted.
2024-08-14 12:43:36.325 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MESU24_FUT_CME -> MESU24. Market Depth data restarted.
2024-08-14 12:43:36.325 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MNQU24_FUT_CME -> MNQU24. Market Depth data restarted.
2024-08-14 12:43:36.325 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: NQU24_FUT_CME -> NQU24
2024-08-14 12:43:36.573 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Network connection to server complete.
2024-08-14 12:43:36.573 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Starting socket receive thread.
2024-08-14 12:43:36.573 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard
2024-08-14 12:43:36.666 | Denali Data Feed | Clearing market depth for ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-14 12:43:36.666 | Denali Data Feed | Clearing market depth for MESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-14 12:43:36.666 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-14 12:43:36.666 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-14 12:43:36.733 | Denali Data Feed | Clearing market depth for MNQU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-14 12:43:36.733 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MNQU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-14 12:43:36.733 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol NQU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-14 12:43:36.822 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-14 12:43:36.822 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Sending logon request message.
2024-08-14 12:43:37.622 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Received logon response.
2024-08-14 12:43:37.622 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Server Name: SC Realtime Server.
2024-08-14 12:43:37.622 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2024-08-14 12:43:37.622 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Successfully connected.
2024-08-14 12:43:37.622 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Trading is not supported.
2024-08-14 12:43:37.622 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2024-08-14 12:43:37.622 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Starting market orders updates for: ESU24. MinimumMarketByOrderQuantity: 0. Service code: cme
2024-08-14 12:43:37.622 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Restarting market orders data for symbol: ESU24_FUT_CME -> ESU24
2024-08-14 12:43:37.622 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Starting market orders updates for: MESU24. MinimumMarketByOrderQuantity: 0. Service code: cme
2024-08-14 12:43:37.622 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Restarting market orders data for symbol: MESU24_FUT_CME -> MESU24
2024-08-14 12:43:37.622 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Starting market orders updates for: MNQU24. MinimumMarketByOrderQuantity: 0. Service code: cme
2024-08-14 12:43:37.622 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Restarting market orders data for symbol: MNQU24_FUT_CME -> MNQU24
2024-08-14 12:43:37.716 | Socket (2) | CloseSocket call.
2024-08-14 12:43:37.716 | Socket (2) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-08-14 12:43:37.716 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-08-14 12:43:37.716 | HD Request # 1 | Received 234636 Intraday data records from 2024-08-13 19:47:13.863000 to 2024-08-14 12:43:33.177000 (16.9 hours. Delay: 4.5 seconds) and wrote 234623 records for ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-14 12:43:37.723 | HD Request # 1 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-08-14 12:43:33.177000
2024-08-14 12:43:37.723 | Added 20 Time and Sales records to Intraday data file for ESU24_FUT_CME after download.
2024-08-14 12:43:37.723 | HD Request # 1 | Completion time: 4s.
2024-08-14 12:43:37.723 | HD Request # 1 | Intraday data download complete for ESU24_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 1
2024-08-14 12:43:37.723 | Removing historical data download ID 1.
2024-08-14 12:43:37.723 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-14 12:43:37.723 | Intraday chart data file opened for ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-14 12:43:37.723 | HD Request # 1 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-08-14 12:43:37.723 |
2024-08-14 12:43:37.723 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-08-14 12:43:37.723 | Initiating new historical data download for ESU24_FUT_CME to get the latest data since the download was started while not connected to primary service.
2024-08-14 12:43:37.723 | Added historical Intraday data request for ESU24_FUT_CME to the queue.
2024-08-14 12:43:37.723 | Intraday data recording state for symbol ESU24_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-08-14 12:43:37.723 | Delaying start of download for ESU24_FUT_CME.
2024-08-14 12:43:37.833 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #3 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-08-14 12:43:37.834 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #3 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-14 12:43:37.939 | Socket (2) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-08-14 12:43:37.939 | Socket (2) | Closed.
2024-08-14 12:43:37.944 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Market Orders data has been rejected for symbol: ESU24_FUT_CME. Market orders request not authorized.
2024-08-14 12:43:37.944 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Market Orders data has been rejected for symbol: MESU24_FUT_CME. Market orders request not authorized.
2024-08-14 12:43:37.944 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Market Orders data has been rejected for symbol: MNQU24_FUT_CME. Market orders request not authorized.
2024-08-14 12:43:38.024 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-08-14 12:43:38.025 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-14 12:43:38.335 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #3 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-14 12:43:38.344 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #3 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 4,
2024-08-14 12:43:38.524 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-14 12:43:38.611 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 4,
2024-08-14 12:43:41.615 | HD Request # 3 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ESU24_FUT_CME to the file ESU24_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2024-08-14 12:43:41.615 | HD Request # 3 | Download start date-time: 2024-08-14 12:43:36.000000. File last date-time: 2024-08-14 12:43:36.263007
2024-08-14 12:43:41.615 | HD Request # 3 | Using server: ds32.sierracharts.com port 10150
2024-08-14 12:43:41.640 | Socket (2) | Creating socket.
2024-08-14 12:43:41.640 | Socket (2) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-14 12:43:41.640 | Socket (2) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-14 12:43:42.110 | HD Request # 3 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-14 12:43:42.110 | HD Request # 3 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-08-14 12:43:42.839 | HD Request # 3 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-08-14 12:43:36. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ESU24
2024-08-14 12:43:43.064 | HD Request # 3 | Decompressing data.
2024-08-14 12:43:43.077 | + Loading additional symbol data.
2024-08-14 12:43:43.287 | HD Request # 3 | Receiving Intraday data for ESU24_FUT_CME starting at 2024-08-14 12:43:36.077000
2024-08-14 12:43:43.287 | Socket (2) | CloseSocket call.
2024-08-14 12:43:43.287 | Socket (2) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-08-14 12:43:43.289 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-08-14 12:43:43.289 | HD Request # 3 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-08-14 12:43:36.905000.
2024-08-14 12:43:43.289 | HD Request # 3 | Received 110 Intraday data records from 2024-08-14 12:43:36.077000 to 2024-08-14 12:43:40.743001 (4.7 seconds. Delay: 2.5 seconds) and wrote 98 records for ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-14 12:43:43.296 | HD Request # 3 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-08-14 12:43:40.743001
2024-08-14 12:43:43.296 | Added 35 Time and Sales records to Intraday data file for ESU24_FUT_CME after download.
2024-08-14 12:43:43.296 | HD Request # 3 | Completion time: 2s.
2024-08-14 12:43:43.296 | HD Request # 3 | Intraday data download complete for ESU24_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 4
2024-08-14 12:43:43.296 | Removing historical data download ID 4.
2024-08-14 12:43:43.296 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-14 12:43:43.296 | Intraday chart data file opened for ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-14 12:43:43.296 | HD Request # 3 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-08-14 12:43:43.296 |
2024-08-14 12:43:43.296 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-08-14 12:43:43.297 | HD Request # 4 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NQU24_FUT_CME to the file NQU24_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2024-08-14 12:43:43.297 | HD Request # 4 | Download start date-time: 2024-08-13 19:47:13.000000. File last date-time: 2024-08-13 19:47:13.864000
2024-08-14 12:43:43.297 | HD Request # 4 | Using server: ds26.sierracharts.com port 10149
2024-08-14 12:43:43.326 | Socket (5) | Creating socket.
2024-08-14 12:43:43.326 | Socket (5) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-14 12:43:43.326 | Socket (5) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-14 12:43:43.334 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #3 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-08-14 12:43:43.335 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #3 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-14 12:43:43.512 | Socket (2) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-08-14 12:43:43.512 | Socket (2) | Closed.
2024-08-14 12:43:43.523 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-08-14 12:43:43.523 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-14 12:43:43.653 | + Loading additional symbol data.
2024-08-14 12:43:43.781 | HD Request # 4 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-14 12:43:43.781 | HD Request # 4 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-08-14 12:43:43.835 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #3 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-14 12:43:44.025 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-14 12:43:44.210 | + Loading additional symbol data.
2024-08-14 12:43:44.515 | HD Request # 4 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-08-13 19:47:13. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NQU24
2024-08-14 12:43:44.759 | HD Request # 4 | Decompressing data.
2024-08-14 12:43:44.823 | + Loading additional symbol data.
2024-08-14 12:43:45.235 | HD Request # 4 | Receiving Intraday data for NQU24_FUT_CME starting at 2024-08-13 19:47:13.022000
2024-08-14 12:43:45.386 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #3 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2024-08-13 09:30:00
2024-08-14 12:43:45.397 | SC Data with Depth | Starting real-time market data updates for: UVOL-NYSE. ID: 5 Service code: statscalc
2024-08-14 12:43:45.398 | SC Data with Depth | Connecting to the server ds12.sierracharts.com. Port 443
2024-08-14 12:43:45.399 | SC Data with Depth | Requesting security definition data for: UVOL-NYSE. ID: 5
2024-08-14 12:43:45.399 | Added historical Intraday data request for UVOL-NYSE to the queue.
2024-08-14 12:43:45.399 | Intraday data recording state for symbol UVOL-NYSE is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-08-14 12:43:45.399 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-08-14 12:43:45.399 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #3 | Started historical data download for additional symbol UVOL-NYSE. Download ID: 5
2024-08-14 12:43:45.399 | SC Data with Depth | Starting real-time market data updates for: DVOL-NYSE. ID: 6 Service code: statscalc
2024-08-14 12:43:45.399 | SC Data with Depth | Requesting security definition data for: DVOL-NYSE. ID: 6
2024-08-14 12:43:45.400 | Added historical Intraday data request for DVOL-NYSE to the queue.
2024-08-14 12:43:45.400 | Intraday data recording state for symbol DVOL-NYSE is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-08-14 12:43:45.400 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #3 | Started historical data download for additional symbol DVOL-NYSE. Download ID: 6
2024-08-14 12:43:45.400 | SC Data with Depth | Starting real-time market data updates for: UVOL-NASDAQ. ID: 7 Service code: statscalc
2024-08-14 12:43:45.400 | SC Data with Depth | Requesting security definition data for: UVOL-NASDAQ. ID: 7
2024-08-14 12:43:45.400 | Added historical Intraday data request for UVOL-NASDAQ to the queue.
2024-08-14 12:43:45.400 | Intraday data recording state for symbol UVOL-NASDAQ is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-08-14 12:43:45.400 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #3 | Started historical data download for additional symbol UVOL-NASDAQ. Download ID: 7
2024-08-14 12:43:45.400 | SC Data with Depth | Starting real-time market data updates for: DVOL-NASDAQ. ID: 8 Service code: statscalc
2024-08-14 12:43:45.400 | SC Data with Depth | Requesting security definition data for: DVOL-NASDAQ. ID: 8
2024-08-14 12:43:45.400 | Added historical Intraday data request for DVOL-NASDAQ to the queue.
2024-08-14 12:43:45.400 | Intraday data recording state for symbol DVOL-NASDAQ is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-08-14 12:43:45.400 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #3 | Started historical data download for additional symbol DVOL-NASDAQ. Download ID: 8
2024-08-14 12:43:45.428 | DTC Client socket (2) | Creating socket.
2024-08-14 12:43:45.428 | DTC Client socket (2) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-14 12:43:45.428 | DTC Client socket (2) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-14 12:43:45.706 | HD Request # 4 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-08-13 19:47:14.648000.
2024-08-14 12:43:46.794 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #3 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-08-14 12:43:46.807 | Socket (5) | CloseSocket call.
2024-08-14 12:43:46.807 | Socket (5) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-08-14 12:43:46.815 | SC Data with Depth | Network connection to server complete.
2024-08-14 12:43:46.815 | SC Data with Depth | Starting socket receive thread.
2024-08-14 12:43:46.815 | SC Data with Depth | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard
2024-08-14 12:43:46.815 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-08-14 12:43:46.816 | HD Request # 4 | Received 123761 Intraday data records from 2024-08-13 19:47:13.022000 to 2024-08-14 12:43:43.031000 (16.9 hours. Delay: 3.8 seconds) and wrote 123757 records for NQU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-14 12:43:46.824 | HD Request # 4 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-08-14 12:43:43.031000
2024-08-14 12:43:46.824 | Added 43 Time and Sales records to Intraday data file for NQU24_FUT_CME after download.
2024-08-14 12:43:46.824 | HD Request # 4 | Completion time: 3s.
2024-08-14 12:43:46.824 | HD Request # 4 | Intraday data download complete for NQU24_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 3
2024-08-14 12:43:46.824 | Removing historical data download ID 3.
2024-08-14 12:43:46.824 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NQU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-14 12:43:46.824 | Intraday chart data file opened for NQU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-14 12:43:46.824 | HD Request # 4 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-08-14 12:43:46.824 |
2024-08-14 12:43:46.824 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-08-14 12:43:46.824 | Delaying start of download for UVOL-NYSE.
2024-08-14 12:43:47.036 | Socket (5) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-08-14 12:43:47.036 | Socket (5) | Closed.
2024-08-14 12:43:47.058 | SC Data with Depth | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-14 12:43:47.058 | SC Data with Depth | Sending logon request message.
2024-08-14 12:43:47.598 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\ESU24_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 19744
2024-08-14 12:43:47.598 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\NQU24_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 19744
2024-08-14 12:43:47.880 | SC Data with Depth | Received logon response.
2024-08-14 12:43:47.880 | SC Data with Depth | Server Name: SC Realtime Server.
2024-08-14 12:43:47.880 | SC Data with Depth | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2024-08-14 12:43:47.880 | SC Data with Depth | Successfully connected.
2024-08-14 12:43:47.880 | SC Data with Depth | Trading is not supported.
2024-08-14 12:43:47.880 | SC Data with Depth | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2024-08-14 12:43:47.880 | SC Data with Depth | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: DVOL-NASDAQ
2024-08-14 12:43:47.880 | SC Data with Depth | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: DVOL-NYSE
2024-08-14 12:43:47.880 | SC Data with Depth | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: UVOL-NASDAQ
2024-08-14 12:43:47.880 | SC Data with Depth | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: UVOL-NYSE
2024-08-14 12:43:48.185 | SC Data with Depth | Received security definition for symbol DVOL-NASDAQ
2024-08-14 12:43:48.185 | SC Data with Depth | Received security definition for symbol DVOL-NYSE
2024-08-14 12:43:48.185 | SC Data with Depth | Received security definition for symbol UVOL-NASDAQ
2024-08-14 12:43:48.185 | SC Data with Depth | Received security definition for symbol UVOL-NYSE
2024-08-14 12:43:48.929 | ExtendTheFundedTradingAccountStatusExpirationDate: Sending request.
2024-08-14 12:43:49.525 | ESU24_FUT_CME[M]/MESU24_FUT_CME[M] 5 Min #5 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-08-14 12:43:49.862 | ExtendTheFundedTradingAccountStatusExpirationDate | Result: {"Result":"The Funded Trading Account Status Expiration Date is more than 25 days into the future. The Date is currently: 2024-09-09"}. Success=true
2024-08-14 12:43:50.627 | ESU24_FUT_CME[M] 5 Min #8 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-08-14 12:43:53.635 | HD Request # 5 | Downloading Intraday chart data for UVOL-NYSE to the file UVOL-NYSE.scid. Service: statscalc
2024-08-14 12:43:53.635 | HD Request # 5 | Download start date-time: 2024-08-13 19:47:14.000000. File last date-time: 2024-08-13 19:47:14.463001
2024-08-14 12:43:53.635 | HD Request # 5 | Using server: ds12.sierracharts.com port 10150
2024-08-14 12:43:53.635 | Socket (5) | Creating socket.
2024-08-14 12:43:53.636 | Socket (5) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-14 12:43:53.636 | Socket (5) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-14 12:43:54.105 | HD Request # 5 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-14 12:43:54.105 | HD Request # 5 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-08-14 12:43:54.815 | HD Request # 5 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-08-13 19:47:14. Record interval: 0. Symbol: UVOL-NYSE
2024-08-14 12:43:55.039 | HD Request # 5 | Decompressing data.
2024-08-14 12:43:55.506 | HD Request # 5 | Receiving Intraday data for UVOL-NYSE starting at 2024-08-13 19:47:14.000000
2024-08-14 12:43:55.790 | Socket (5) | CloseSocket call.
2024-08-14 12:43:55.790 | Socket (5) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-08-14 12:43:55.796 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-08-14 12:43:55.796 | HD Request # 5 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-08-13 19:47:15.000000.
2024-08-14 12:43:55.796 | HD Request # 5 | Received 2567 Intraday data records from 2024-08-13 19:47:14.000000 to 2024-08-13 20:30:00.000000 (42.8 minutes. Delay: 16.2 hours) and wrote 2566 records for UVOL-NYSE
2024-08-14 12:43:55.803 | HD Request # 5 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-08-13 20:30:00.000000
2024-08-14 12:43:55.803 | HD Request # 5 | Completion time: 2s.
2024-08-14 12:43:55.803 | HD Request # 5 | Intraday data download complete for UVOL-NYSE. Unique request ID: 5
2024-08-14 12:43:55.803 | Removing historical data download ID 5.
2024-08-14 12:43:55.803 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for UVOL-NYSE
2024-08-14 12:43:55.803 | Intraday chart data file opened for UVOL-NYSE
2024-08-14 12:43:55.803 | HD Request # 5 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-08-14 12:43:55.803 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #3 | Historical data download for additional symbol UVOL-NYSE with ID 5 has completed.
2024-08-14 12:43:55.803 |
2024-08-14 12:43:55.803 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-08-14 12:43:55.803 | HD Request # 6 | Downloading Intraday chart data for DVOL-NYSE to the file DVOL-NYSE.scid. Service: statscalc
2024-08-14 12:43:55.804 | HD Request # 6 | Download start date-time: 2024-08-13 19:47:14.000000. File last date-time: 2024-08-13 19:47:14.463002
2024-08-14 12:43:55.804 | HD Request # 6 | Using server: ds13-2.sierracharts.com port 10149
2024-08-14 12:43:55.858 | Socket (6) | Creating socket.
2024-08-14 12:43:55.858 | Socket (6) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-14 12:43:55.858 | Socket (6) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-14 12:43:56.023 | Socket (5) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-08-14 12:43:56.023 | Socket (5) | Closed.
2024-08-14 12:43:56.280 | HD Request # 6 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-14 12:43:56.280 | HD Request # 6 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-08-14 12:43:57.182 | HD Request # 6 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-08-13 19:47:14. Record interval: 0. Symbol: DVOL-NYSE
2024-08-14 12:43:57.377 | HD Request # 6 | Decompressing data.
2024-08-14 12:43:57.782 | HD Request # 6 | Receiving Intraday data for DVOL-NYSE starting at 2024-08-13 19:47:14.000000
2024-08-14 12:43:57.981 | Socket (6) | CloseSocket call.
2024-08-14 12:43:57.981 | Socket (6) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-08-14 12:43:57.981 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-08-14 12:43:57.982 | HD Request # 6 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-08-13 19:47:15.000000.
2024-08-14 12:43:57.982 | HD Request # 6 | Received 2566 Intraday data records from 2024-08-13 19:47:14.000000 to 2024-08-13 20:30:00.000000 (42.8 minutes. Delay: 16.2 hours) and wrote 2565 records for DVOL-NYSE
2024-08-14 12:43:57.987 | HD Request # 6 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-08-13 20:30:00.000000
2024-08-14 12:43:57.987 | HD Request # 6 | Completion time: 2s.
2024-08-14 12:43:57.987 | HD Request # 6 | Intraday data download complete for DVOL-NYSE. Unique request ID: 6
2024-08-14 12:43:57.987 | Removing historical data download ID 6.
2024-08-14 12:43:57.987 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for DVOL-NYSE
2024-08-14 12:43:57.987 | Intraday chart data file opened for DVOL-NYSE
2024-08-14 12:43:57.987 | HD Request # 6 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-08-14 12:43:57.987 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #3 | Historical data download for additional symbol DVOL-NYSE with ID 6 has completed.
2024-08-14 12:43:57.987 |
2024-08-14 12:43:57.987 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-08-14 12:43:57.987 | HD Request # 7 | Downloading Intraday chart data for UVOL-NASDAQ to the file UVOL-NASDAQ.scid. Service: statscalc
2024-08-14 12:43:57.988 | HD Request # 7 | Download start date-time: 2024-08-13 19:47:14.000000. File last date-time: 2024-08-13 19:47:14.463001
2024-08-14 12:43:57.988 | HD Request # 7 | Using server: ds4.sierracharts.com port 10150
2024-08-14 12:43:58.032 | Socket (5) | Creating socket.
2024-08-14 12:43:58.032 | Socket (5) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-14 12:43:58.032 | Socket (5) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-14 12:43:58.185 | Socket (6) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-08-14 12:43:58.185 | Socket (6) | Closed.
2024-08-14 12:43:58.499 | HD Request # 7 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-14 12:43:58.499 | HD Request # 7 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-08-14 12:43:59.203 | HD Request # 7 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-08-13 19:47:14. Record interval: 0. Symbol: UVOL-NASDAQ
2024-08-14 12:43:59.422 | HD Request # 7 | Decompressing data.
2024-08-14 12:43:59.881 | HD Request # 7 | Receiving Intraday data for UVOL-NASDAQ starting at 2024-08-13 19:47:14.000000
2024-08-14 12:44:00.166 | Socket (5) | CloseSocket call.
2024-08-14 12:44:00.166 | Socket (5) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-08-14 12:44:00.166 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-08-14 12:44:00.166 | HD Request # 7 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-08-13 19:47:15.000000.
2024-08-14 12:44:00.166 | HD Request # 7 | Received 2566 Intraday data records from 2024-08-13 19:47:14.000000 to 2024-08-13 20:30:00.000000 (42.8 minutes. Delay: 16.2 hours) and wrote 2565 records for UVOL-NASDAQ
2024-08-14 12:44:00.172 | HD Request # 7 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-08-13 20:30:00.000000
2024-08-14 12:44:00.173 | HD Request # 7 | Completion time: 3s.
2024-08-14 12:44:00.173 | HD Request # 7 | Intraday data download complete for UVOL-NASDAQ. Unique request ID: 7
2024-08-14 12:44:00.173 | Removing historical data download ID 7.
2024-08-14 12:44:00.173 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for UVOL-NASDAQ
2024-08-14 12:44:00.173 | Intraday chart data file opened for UVOL-NASDAQ
2024-08-14 12:44:00.173 | HD Request # 7 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-08-14 12:44:00.173 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #3 | Historical data download for additional symbol UVOL-NASDAQ with ID 7 has completed.
2024-08-14 12:44:00.173 |
2024-08-14 12:44:00.173 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-08-14 12:44:00.173 | HD Request # 8 | Downloading Intraday chart data for DVOL-NASDAQ to the file DVOL-NASDAQ.scid. Service: statscalc
2024-08-14 12:44:00.173 | HD Request # 8 | Download start date-time: 2024-08-13 19:47:14.000000. File last date-time: 2024-08-13 19:47:14.463001
2024-08-14 12:44:00.173 | HD Request # 8 | Using server: ds12.sierracharts.com port 10149
2024-08-14 12:44:00.173 | Socket (6) | Creating socket.
2024-08-14 12:44:00.173 | Socket (6) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-14 12:44:00.173 | Socket (6) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-14 12:44:00.297 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Out of order timestamps detected. Chart tool drawings and some chart studies may not function properly. Prior Date Time: 2023-10-04 13:45:00. Next Bar Date Time: 2023-10-04 13:43:00. Filename: ESU24_FUT_CME.scid
2024-08-14 12:44:00.391 | Socket (5) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-08-14 12:44:00.391 | Socket (5) | Closed.
2024-08-14 12:44:00.642 | HD Request # 8 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-14 12:44:00.642 | HD Request # 8 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-08-14 12:44:01.339 | HD Request # 8 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-08-13 19:47:14. Record interval: 0. Symbol: DVOL-NASDAQ
2024-08-14 12:44:01.561 | HD Request # 8 | Decompressing data.
2024-08-14 12:44:02.027 | HD Request # 8 | Receiving Intraday data for DVOL-NASDAQ starting at 2024-08-13 19:47:14.000000
2024-08-14 12:44:02.280 | Socket (6) | CloseSocket call.
2024-08-14 12:44:02.280 | Socket (6) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-08-14 12:44:02.280 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-08-14 12:44:02.280 | HD Request # 8 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-08-13 19:47:15.000000.
2024-08-14 12:44:02.280 | HD Request # 8 | Received 2567 Intraday data records from 2024-08-13 19:47:14.000000 to 2024-08-13 20:30:00.000000 (42.8 minutes. Delay: 16.2 hours) and wrote 2566 records for DVOL-NASDAQ
2024-08-14 12:44:02.287 | HD Request # 8 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-08-13 20:30:00.000000
2024-08-14 12:44:02.287 | HD Request # 8 | Completion time: 2s.
2024-08-14 12:44:02.287 | HD Request # 8 | Intraday data download complete for DVOL-NASDAQ. Unique request ID: 8
2024-08-14 12:44:02.287 | Removing historical data download ID 8.
2024-08-14 12:44:02.287 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for DVOL-NASDAQ
2024-08-14 12:44:02.287 | Intraday chart data file opened for DVOL-NASDAQ
2024-08-14 12:44:02.287 | HD Request # 8 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-08-14 12:44:02.287 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #3 | Historical data download for additional symbol DVOL-NASDAQ with ID 8 has completed.
2024-08-14 12:44:02.287 |
2024-08-14 12:44:02.287 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2024-08-14 12:44:02.336 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #3 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-14 12:44:02.521 | Socket (6) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-08-14 12:44:02.521 | Socket (6) | Closed.
2024-08-14 12:44:06.223 | + Loading additional symbol data. | Number times message added: 3
2024-08-14 12:44:07.745 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #3 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2024-08-13 09:30:00
2024-08-14 12:44:07.764 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #3 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-08-14 12:44:10.209 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Out of order timestamps detected. Chart tool drawings and some chart studies may not function properly. Prior Date Time: 2023-11-08 09:28:00. Next Bar Date Time: 2023-11-08 09:22:00. Filename: ESU24_FUT_CME.scid
2024-08-14 12:44:28.390 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Out of order timestamps detected. Chart tool drawings and some chart studies may not function properly. Prior Date Time: 2024-02-16 08:49:00. Next Bar Date Time: 2024-02-16 08:46:00. Filename: ESU24_FUT_CME.scid
2024-08-14 12:44:44.075 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Out of order timestamps detected. Chart tool drawings and some chart studies may not function properly. Prior Date Time: 2024-05-02 10:59:00. Next Bar Date Time: 2024-05-02 10:57:00. Filename: ESU24_FUT_CME.scid
2024-08-14 12:44:48.046 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Out of order timestamps detected. Chart tool drawings and some chart studies may not function properly. Prior Date Time: 2024-05-28 11:19:00. Next Bar Date Time: 2024-05-28 11:17:00. Filename: ESU24_FUT_CME.scid
2024-08-14 12:45:05.832 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB][M] #6 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-08-14 13:20:33.274 | Added historical Intraday data request for ESU24_FUT_CME to the queue.
2024-08-14 13:20:33.274 | Intraday data recording state for symbol ESU24_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-08-14 13:20:33.274 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-08-14 13:20:33.274 | HD Request # 9 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ESU24_FUT_CME to the file ESU24_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2024-08-14 13:20:33.274 | HD Request # 9 | Download start date-time: 2024-08-13 15:05:00.000000. File last date-time: 2024-08-14 13:20:32.311001
2024-08-14 13:20:33.274 | HD Request # 9 | Disabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-08-14 13:20:33.274 | HD Request # 9 | Using server: ds28.sierracharts.com port 10150
2024-08-14 13:20:33.274 | Socket (5) | Creating socket.
2024-08-14 13:20:33.274 | Socket (5) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-14 13:20:33.274 | Socket (5) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-14 13:20:33.780 | HD Request # 9 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-14 13:20:33.780 | HD Request # 9 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-08-14 13:20:34.637 | HD Request # 9 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-08-13 15:05:00. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ESU24
2024-08-14 13:20:34.860 | HD Request # 9 | Decompressing data.
2024-08-14 13:20:35.099 | HD Request # 9 | Receiving Intraday data for ESU24_FUT_CME starting at 2024-08-13 15:05:00.030000
2024-08-14 13:20:35.099 | HD Request # 9 | Truncating file to starting date-time of 2024-08-13 15:05:00.030.
2024-08-14 13:20:35.551 | HD Request # 9 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-08-13 15:05:00.030000.
2024-08-14 13:20:38.254 | Socket (5) | CloseSocket call.
2024-08-14 13:20:38.255 | Socket (5) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-08-14 13:20:38.255 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-08-14 13:20:38.255 | HD Request # 9 | Received 572462 Intraday data records from 2024-08-13 15:05:00.030000 to 2024-08-14 13:20:34.398001 (22.3 hours. Delay: 3.9 seconds) and wrote 572462 records for ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-14 13:20:38.261 | HD Request # 9 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-08-14 13:20:34.398001
2024-08-14 13:20:38.261 | Added 17 Time and Sales records to Intraday data file for ESU24_FUT_CME after download.
2024-08-14 13:20:38.261 | HD Request # 9 | Completion time: 5s.
2024-08-14 13:20:38.261 | HD Request # 9 | Intraday data download complete for ESU24_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 9
2024-08-14 13:20:38.261 | Removing historical data download ID 9.
2024-08-14 13:20:38.261 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-14 13:20:38.261 | Intraday chart data file opened for ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-14 13:20:38.261 | HD Request # 9 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-08-14 13:20:38.261 | ESU24_FUT_CME[M]/MESU24_FUT_CME[M] #10 | Flagging to reload Intraday data on download completion.
2024-08-14 13:20:38.261 | ESU24_FUT_CME[M]/MESU24_FUT_CME[M] 5 Min #5 | Flagging to reload Intraday data on download completion.
2024-08-14 13:20:38.261 | ESU24_FUT_CME[M]/MESU24_FUT_CME[M] #1 | Flagging to reload Intraday data on download completion.
2024-08-14 13:20:38.261 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB][M] #6 | Flagging to reload Intraday data on download completion.
2024-08-14 13:20:38.261 | ESU24_FUT_CME[M] 5 Min #8 | Flagging to reload Intraday data on download completion.
2024-08-14 13:20:38.261 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #3 | Flagging to reload Intraday data on download completion.
2024-08-14 13:20:38.261 |
2024-08-14 13:20:38.261 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2024-08-14 13:20:38.311 | ESU24_FUT_CME[M]/MESU24_FUT_CME[M] #1 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-14 13:20:38.315 | ESU24_FUT_CME[M]/MESU24_FUT_CME[M] #1 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2024-08-14 13:20:38.317 | ESU24_FUT_CME[M]/MESU24_FUT_CME[M] #1 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-08-14 13:20:38.320 | ESU24_FUT_CME[M]/MESU24_FUT_CME[M] #10 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-14 13:20:38.477 | Socket (5) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-08-14 13:20:38.477 | Socket (5) | Closed.
2024-08-14 13:20:38.620 | ESU24_FUT_CME[M]/MESU24_FUT_CME[M] 5 Min #5 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-14 13:20:38.629 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #3 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-14 13:20:38.670 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB][M] #6 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-14 13:20:38.887 | ESU24_FUT_CME[M]/MESU24_FUT_CME[M] #10 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2024-07-30 16:59:58
2024-08-14 13:20:38.905 | ESU24_FUT_CME[M]/MESU24_FUT_CME[M] #10 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-08-14 13:20:38.913 | ESU24_FUT_CME[M] 5 Min #8 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-14 13:20:40.167 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\ESU24_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 19744
2024-08-14 13:20:42.942 | + Loading additional symbol data. | Number times message added: 3
2024-08-14 13:20:44.761 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #3 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2024-08-13 09:30:00
2024-08-14 13:20:44.779 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #3 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-08-14 13:20:53.305 | ESU24_FUT_CME[M]/MESU24_FUT_CME[M] 5 Min #5 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-08-14 13:20:53.633 | ESU24_FUT_CME[M] 5 Min #8 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-08-14 13:20:57.511 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB][M] #6 | Out of order timestamps detected. Chart tool drawings and some chart studies may not function properly. Prior Date Time: 2023-10-04 13:45:00. Next Bar Date Time: 2023-10-04 13:43:00. Filename: ESU24_FUT_CME.scid
2024-08-14 13:21:06.179 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB][M] #6 | Out of order timestamps detected. Chart tool drawings and some chart studies may not function properly. Prior Date Time: 2023-11-08 09:28:00. Next Bar Date Time: 2023-11-08 09:22:00. Filename: ESU24_FUT_CME.scid
2024-08-14 13:21:25.715 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB][M] #6 | Out of order timestamps detected. Chart tool drawings and some chart studies may not function properly. Prior Date Time: 2024-02-16 08:49:00. Next Bar Date Time: 2024-02-16 08:46:00. Filename: ESU24_FUT_CME.scid
2024-08-14 13:21:47.672 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB][M] #6 | Out of order timestamps detected. Chart tool drawings and some chart studies may not function properly. Prior Date Time: 2024-05-02 10:59:00. Next Bar Date Time: 2024-05-02 10:57:00. Filename: ESU24_FUT_CME.scid
2024-08-14 13:21:52.691 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB][M] #6 | Out of order timestamps detected. Chart tool drawings and some chart studies may not function properly. Prior Date Time: 2024-05-28 11:19:00. Next Bar Date Time: 2024-05-28 11:17:00. Filename: ESU24_FUT_CME.scid
2024-08-14 13:22:16.528 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB][M] #6 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-08-14 13:23:10.972 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #3 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-14 13:23:13.235 | + Loading additional symbol data. | Number times message added: 3
2024-08-14 13:23:14.280 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #3 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2024-08-13 09:30:00
2024-08-14 13:23:14.292 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #3 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-08-14 13:29:59.772 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\UVOL-NYSE.scid. Thread ID: 19744
2024-08-14 13:29:59.773 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\DVOL-NYSE.scid. Thread ID: 19744
2024-08-14 13:29:59.773 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\UVOL-NASDAQ.scid. Thread ID: 19744
2024-08-14 13:29:59.773 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\DVOL-NASDAQ.scid. Thread ID: 19744
2024-08-14 13:47:12.130 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #2 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-14 13:47:14.456 | + Loading additional symbol data. | Number times message added: 3
2024-08-14 13:47:15.372 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #2 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2024-08-14 09:30:00
2024-08-14 13:47:15.380 | Chart #2 has tagged chart #6 for full recalculation. Chartbook: DOM_BOOK.Cht
2024-08-14 13:47:15.390 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #2 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-08-14 13:47:15.404 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB][M] #6 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: DOM_BOOK.Cht
2024-08-14 13:57:28.783 | ESU24_FUT_CME[M]/MESU24_FUT_CME[M] 5 Min #5 | + Error reading record for update Intraday chart. Invalid cache index
2024-08-14 16:50:02.333 | ESU24_FUT_CME[M]/MESU24_FUT_CME[M] #1 | + Error reading record for update Intraday chart. Invalid cache index
[2024-08-14 17:14:48]
greenugly - Posts: 18
thanks for the swift response.
i believe it is in the main instance
symbol (action) : ESU24_FUT_CME
trade and current quote symbol (action) : MESU24_FUT_CME
[2024-08-14 18:40:39]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34744
We do the see the following in your log:
2024-08-14 13:57:28.783 | ESU24_FUT_CME[M]/MESU24_FUT_CME[M] 5 Min #5 | + Error reading record for update Intraday chart. Invalid cache index
2024-08-14 16:50:02.333 | ESU24_FUT_CME[M]/MESU24_FUT_CME[M] #1 | + Error reading record for update Intraday chart. Invalid cache index

This is a very unusual error. For one of the charts with the symbol "ESU24_FUT_CME" select "Edit >> Delete All Data and Download".

If this does not resolve the issue, then you will need to exit from Sierra Chart, open a File Explorer window, go to the folder that is your main Sierra Chart installation folder (typically C:\SierraChart, but could be different depending on how you installed the software) and then go down to the "Data" folder under that. Within that 'Data' folder find the file named 'ESU24_FUT_CME.scid' and delete it.

Then start Sierra Chart again. The data will have to redownload for the ES product, so it could take a few minutes to get that data downloaded again.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2024-08-15 09:55:16]
greenugly - Posts: 18
2024-08-15 09:44:29.864 | Trade activity files set size: 1236
2024-08-15 09:44:30.239 | Created the DTC Protocol server.
2024-08-15 09:44:30.240 | DTC Protocol Server listening on port 11099.
2024-08-15 09:44:30.240 | Reading Internal Order ID file.
2024-08-15 09:44:30.256 | Reading Trade Orders file.
2024-08-15 09:44:30.257 | Reading Trade Positions file.
2024-08-15 09:44:30.257 | Reading Trade Account Data files.
2024-08-15 09:44:30.263 | Software version: 2643 64-bit
2024-08-15 09:44:30.264 | OpenGL enabled (NVIDIA Corporation/NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Laptop GPU/PCIe/SSE2)
2024-08-15 09:44:30.264 | Primary Thread ID: 20116
2024-08-15 09:44:30.264 | Usage end date: 2024-09-15
2024-08-15 09:44:30.264 | Enabled for: Advanced Features 2.
2024-08-15 09:44:30.264 | Enabled for: Sierra Chart Historical Data Service.
2024-08-15 09:44:30.264 | Enabled for: Denali Real-Time Exchange Data Feed.
2024-08-15 09:44:30.264 | Enabled for: Delayed Denali Exchange Data Feed.
2024-08-15 09:44:30.264 | Enabled for exchange2: CME
2024-08-15 09:44:30.264 | Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds is enabled.
2024-08-15 09:44:30.264 | Current selected Data/Trading service: Teton CME Order Routing
2024-08-15 09:44:30.264 | Custom symbol settings values: enabled
2024-08-15 09:44:30.264 | Chart Update Interval: 500
2024-08-15 09:44:30.264 | Intraday Data Storage Time Unit: 0
2024-08-15 09:44:30.264 | Time Zone: +00:00:00 (UTC+00)
2024-08-15 09:44:30.264 | 2024-08-15 09:44:30 Local computer time in UTC
2024-08-15 09:44:30.264 | 2024-08-15 09:44:30 Local computer time in SC Time Zone
2024-08-15 09:44:30.264 | 2024-08-15 09:44:24 Server time in UTC
2024-08-15 09:44:30.264 | Local computer UTC time and Server UTC time difference: 1 seconds.
2024-08-15 09:44:30.264 | Program path: C:\SierraChart\
2024-08-15 09:44:30.264 | Data Files path: C:\SierraChart\Data\
2024-08-15 09:44:30.264 | OS Version Number: 10.0
2024-08-15 09:44:30.264 | Locale Setting: C
2024-08-15 09:44:30.264 | DLLs: BreathBubbles2.0_64.dll, gcUserStudies_2500_64.dll, UserContributedStudies_64.dll
2024-08-15 09:44:30.264 | Allowed protected custom studies:
2024-08-15 09:44:30.264 | Crash reporter started: true
2024-08-15 09:44:30.264 |
2024-08-15 09:44:30.280 | Created the DTC Protocol historical data server.
2024-08-15 09:44:30.281 | HD Server Manager | Listening on port 11098.
2024-08-15 09:44:30.281 | Checking for new symbol settings. Requested symbol settings MD5 for service code sc_futures_direct.dtc.trading. Request ID: 1.
2024-08-15 09:44:30.315 | HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-08-15 09:44:30.547 | HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-08-15 09:44:30.547 | HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Closed.
2024-08-15 09:44:31.010 | Received 5 login tokens.
2024-08-15 09:44:31.623 | Symbol settings MD5 received. Request ID: 1.
2024-08-15 09:44:31.623 | Symbol settings are up-to-date for sc_futures_direct.dtc.trading.
2024-08-15 09:44:32.775 | Requested user files to download.
2024-08-15 09:44:34.774 |
2024-08-15 09:44:34.774 | Teton CME Order Routing | Firm: Phillip Capital
2024-08-15 09:44:34.775 | Teton CME Order Routing | Connecting to the server futurestrading14.sierracharts.com. Port 11089
2024-08-15 09:44:34.830 | DTC Client socket (1) | Creating socket. Using TLS 1.2.
2024-08-15 09:44:34.830 | DTC Client socket (1) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-15 09:44:34.830 | DTC Client socket (1) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-15 09:44:35.109 | Teton CME Order Routing | Network connection to server complete.
2024-08-15 09:44:35.109 | Teton CME Order Routing | Starting socket receive thread.
2024-08-15 09:44:35.109 | Teton CME Order Routing | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: none
2024-08-15 09:44:35.981 | Teton CME Order Routing | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-15 09:44:35.981 | Teton CME Order Routing | Sending logon request message.
2024-08-15 09:44:36.774 | Teton CME Order Routing | Received logon response.
2024-08-15 09:44:36.774 | Teton CME Order Routing | Server Name: SC DTC Server. Build=50039.
2024-08-15 09:44:36.774 | Teton CME Order Routing | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2024-08-15 09:44:36.774 | Teton CME Order Routing | Successfully connected. Connected to SC DTC Protocol server. Service=cme_ilink.trading|SymbolSettings=cme_ilink_live.trading.
2024-08-15 09:44:36.774 | Teton CME Order Routing | Trading is supported.
2024-08-15 09:44:36.774 | Teton CME Order Routing | Order cancel and replace is supported.
2024-08-15 09:44:36.774 | Teton CME Order Routing | OCO Orders supported.
2024-08-15 09:44:36.774 | Teton CME Order Routing | Bracket Orders supported.
2024-08-15 09:44:36.774 | Teton CME Order Routing | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2024-08-15 09:44:36.774 | Teton CME Order Routing | Connected to server complete.
2024-08-15 09:44:36.775 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | Number times message added: 3
2024-08-15 09:44:36.775 | Teton CME Order Routing | Performing query for most recent Order Activity Date-Time.
2024-08-15 09:44:36.777 | Teton CME Order Routing | Requesting historical order activity from server. Start date-time UTC: 2024-08-14 15:38:41.275292
2024-08-15 09:44:37.041 | Updated verified funded futures trading account ending date to: 2024-09-14 09:44:37
2024-08-15 09:44:37.051 | Teton CME Order Routing | Received final trade activity snapshot. Count=1. No data. TradeAccount=7PV1618
2024-08-15 09:44:37.992 | Files to Open on Startup | Opening file: ChartbookGroups\tae\DOM_BOOK.Cht
2024-08-15 09:44:38.450 | Enabling compression for file: C:\SierraChart\Data\NQU24_FUT_CME.scid
2024-08-15 09:44:38.452 | NQU24_FUT_CME/MNQU24_FUT_CME #9 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 09:44:38.492 | Loading DLL: C:\SierraChart\Data\UserContributedStudies.dll (UserContributedStudies_64.dll). Handle: 7ffd71c60000
2024-08-15 09:44:38.641 | Enabling compression for file: C:\SierraChart\Data\ESU24_FUT_CME.scid
2024-08-15 09:44:38.643 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME #10 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 09:44:38.696 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME 5 Min #5 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 09:44:38.868 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME #1 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 09:44:38.917 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 09:44:38.922 | Starting DelayedDownloadMonitoringTimer
2024-08-15 09:44:38.922 | Starting HDTimeoutTimer
2024-08-15 09:44:38.922 | Added historical Intraday data request for ESU24_FUT_CME to the queue.
2024-08-15 09:44:38.923 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-08-15 09:44:38.929 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Performing continuous chart historical Daily data download for symbol ESU24_FUT_CME starting at last date in file.
2024-08-15 09:44:38.929 | Starting DelayedDownloadMonitoringTimer
2024-08-15 09:44:38.929 | Starting HDTimeoutTimer
2024-08-15 09:44:38.929 | Added historical Daily data request for ESU24_FUT_CME to the queue.
2024-08-15 09:44:38.930 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-08-15 09:44:38.970 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 1, 2,
2024-08-15 09:44:39.225 | ESU24_FUT_CME 5 Min #8 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 09:44:39.233 | Loading DLL: C:\SierraChart\Data\gcUserStudies.dll (gcUserStudies_2500_64.dll). Handle: 7ffdb3900000
2024-08-15 09:44:39.246 | Loading DLL: C:\SierraChart\Data\BreathBubbles2.0.dll (BreathBubbles2.0_64.dll). Handle: 66000000
2024-08-15 09:44:39.298 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #3 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 09:44:39.299 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #3 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 1, 2,
2024-08-15 09:44:39.514 | NQU24_FUT_CME/MNQU24_FUT_CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2024-08-15 09:44:39.650 | NQU24_FUT_CME/MNQU24_FUT_CME #9 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-08-15 09:44:39.658 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME #10 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2024-08-15 09:44:39.874 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME #10 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-08-15 09:44:39.875 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME 5 Min #5 | Currently no data in file to display. Will start historical data download and real-time updates. File: C:\SierraChart\Data\ESU24_FUT_CME.scid
2024-08-15 09:44:39.875 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME 5 Min #5 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-08-15 09:44:39.880 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME #1 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2024-08-15 09:44:39.883 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME #1 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-08-15 09:44:39.883 | Mapping ESU24_FUT_CME to ESU24. Service code: cme
2024-08-15 09:44:39.883 | Using symbol data fast lookup vector
2024-08-15 09:44:39.883 | HD Request # 1 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ESU24_FUT_CME to the file ESU24_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2024-08-15 09:44:39.884 | HD Request # 1 | Download start date-time: 2024-05-31 00:00:00.000000. File last date-time: 00:00:00.000000
2024-08-15 09:44:39.884 | HD Request # 1 | Using server: ds28.sierracharts.com port 10150
2024-08-15 09:44:39.884 | Socket (2) | Creating socket.
2024-08-15 09:44:39.884 | Socket (2) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-15 09:44:39.884 | Socket (2) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-15 09:44:39.884 | HD Request # 2 | Downloading Historical Daily chart data for ESU24_FUT_CME. Starting date: 1974-08-28. Service: sc_futures_direct.dtc.trading
2024-08-15 09:44:39.886 | ESU24_FUT_CME 5 Min #8 | Currently no data in file to display. Will start historical data download and real-time updates. File: C:\SierraChart\Data\ESU24_FUT_CME.scid
2024-08-15 09:44:39.895 | ESU24_FUT_CME 5 Min #8 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-08-15 09:44:39.998 | Mapping MNQU24_FUT_CME to MNQU24. Service code: cme
2024-08-15 09:44:39.998 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MNQU24_FUT_CME (MNQU24). ID: 2 Service code: cme
2024-08-15 09:44:39.999 | Denali Data Feed | Connecting to the server ds32.sierracharts.com. Port 443
2024-08-15 09:44:39.999 | DTC Client socket (4) | Creating socket.
2024-08-15 09:44:39.999 | DTC Client socket (4) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-15 09:44:39.999 | DTC Client socket (4) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-15 09:44:40.001 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MNQU24_FUT_CME (MNQU24). ID: 2
2024-08-15 09:44:40.001 | Mapping NQU24_FUT_CME to NQU24. Service code: cme
2024-08-15 09:44:40.001 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: NQU24_FUT_CME (NQU24). ID: 3 Service code: cme
2024-08-15 09:44:40.001 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: NQU24_FUT_CME (NQU24). ID: 3
2024-08-15 09:44:40.001 | Added historical Intraday data request for NQU24_FUT_CME to the queue.
2024-08-15 09:44:40.001 | Intraday data recording state for symbol NQU24_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-08-15 09:44:40.001 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-08-15 09:44:40.006 | Mapping MESU24_FUT_CME to MESU24. Service code: cme
2024-08-15 09:44:40.006 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MESU24_FUT_CME (MESU24). ID: 4 Service code: cme
2024-08-15 09:44:40.006 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MESU24_FUT_CME (MESU24). ID: 4
2024-08-15 09:44:40.006 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: ESU24_FUT_CME (ESU24). ID: 1 Service code: cme
2024-08-15 09:44:40.006 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: ESU24_FUT_CME (ESU24). ID: 1
2024-08-15 09:44:40.223 | Denali Data Feed | Network connection to server complete.
2024-08-15 09:44:40.223 | Denali Data Feed | Starting socket receive thread.
2024-08-15 09:44:40.223 | Denali Data Feed | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard
2024-08-15 09:44:40.306 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: MNQU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 09:44:40.306 | Teton CME Order Routing | Received security definition for symbol MNQU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 09:44:40.306 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: NQU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 09:44:40.306 | Teton CME Order Routing | Received security definition for symbol NQU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 09:44:40.306 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: MESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 09:44:40.306 | Teton CME Order Routing | Received security definition for symbol MESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 09:44:40.338 | HD Request # 1 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-15 09:44:40.338 | HD Request # 1 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-08-15 09:44:40.375 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 09:44:40.375 | Teton CME Order Routing | Received security definition for symbol ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 09:44:40.484 | Denali Data Feed | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-15 09:44:40.484 | Denali Data Feed | Sending logon request message.
2024-08-15 09:44:40.964 | HD Request # 2 | Requesting historical Daily data for ESU24 starting at 1974-08-27. SC External HD service.
2024-08-15 09:44:41.057 | HD Request # 1 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-05-31 00:00:00. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ESU24
2024-08-15 09:44:41.284 | HD Request # 1 | Decompressing data.
2024-08-15 09:44:41.631 | Denali Data Feed | Received logon response.
2024-08-15 09:44:41.631 | Denali Data Feed | Server Name: SC Realtime Server.
2024-08-15 09:44:41.631 | Denali Data Feed | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2024-08-15 09:44:41.631 | Denali Data Feed | Successfully connected.
2024-08-15 09:44:41.631 | Denali Data Feed | Trading is not supported.
2024-08-15 09:44:41.631 | Denali Data Feed | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2024-08-15 09:44:41.631 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: ESU24_FUT_CME -> ESU24
2024-08-15 09:44:41.631 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MESU24_FUT_CME -> MESU24
2024-08-15 09:44:41.631 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MNQU24_FUT_CME -> MNQU24
2024-08-15 09:44:41.631 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: NQU24_FUT_CME -> NQU24
2024-08-15 09:44:41.751 | HD Request # 1 | Receiving Intraday data for ESU24_FUT_CME starting at 2024-05-31 00:08:00.081000
2024-08-15 09:44:41.772 | Requesting market depth updates for: ESU24_FUT_CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2024-08-15 09:44:41.773 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Connecting to the server ds32.sierracharts.com. Port 10060
2024-08-15 09:44:41.773 | DTC Client socket (3) | Creating socket.
2024-08-15 09:44:41.774 | DTC Client socket (3) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-15 09:44:41.774 | DTC Client socket (3) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-15 09:44:41.775 | Requesting market depth updates for: MESU24_FUT_CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2024-08-15 09:44:41.775 | Requesting market depth updates for: MNQU24_FUT_CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2024-08-15 09:44:41.946 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 09:44:41.946 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 09:44:41.946 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MNQU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 09:44:41.946 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol NQU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 09:44:42.003 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Network connection to server complete.
2024-08-15 09:44:42.003 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Starting socket receive thread.
2024-08-15 09:44:42.003 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard
2024-08-15 09:44:42.101 | Denali Data Feed | Clearing market depth for ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 09:44:42.101 | Denali Data Feed | Clearing market depth for MESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 09:44:42.101 | Denali Data Feed | Clearing market depth for MNQU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 09:44:42.117 | HD Request # 2 | Receiving historical Daily data for ESU24_FUT_CME starting at 2022-06-16.
2024-08-15 09:44:42.118 | HD Request # 2 | Writing historical Daily data to the file ESU24_FUT_CME.dly.
2024-08-15 09:44:42.122 | HD Request # 2 | Bytes received: 25566
2024-08-15 09:44:42.122 | HD Request # 2 | Received 544 Daily data records from 2022-06-16 00:00:00 to 2024-08-14 00:00:00 (2.2 years) and wrote 544 records for ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 09:44:42.122 | HD Request # 2 | Completion time: 3s.
2024-08-15 09:44:42.122 | HD Request # 2 | Daily data download complete for ESU24_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 2
2024-08-15 09:44:42.122 | Removing historical data download ID 2.
2024-08-15 09:44:42.122 |
2024-08-15 09:44:42.122 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2024-08-15 09:44:42.232 | HD Request # 1 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-05-31 00:08:00.081000.
2024-08-15 09:44:42.298 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-15 09:44:42.298 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Sending logon request message.
2024-08-15 09:44:43.134 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Received logon response.
2024-08-15 09:44:43.134 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Server Name: SC Realtime Server.
2024-08-15 09:44:43.134 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2024-08-15 09:44:43.134 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Successfully connected.
2024-08-15 09:44:43.134 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Trading is not supported.
2024-08-15 09:44:43.134 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2024-08-15 09:44:43.134 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Starting market orders updates for: ESU24. MinimumMarketByOrderQuantity: 0. Service code: cme
2024-08-15 09:44:43.134 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Restarting market orders data for symbol: ESU24_FUT_CME -> ESU24
2024-08-15 09:44:43.134 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Starting market orders updates for: MESU24. MinimumMarketByOrderQuantity: 0. Service code: cme
2024-08-15 09:44:43.134 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Restarting market orders data for symbol: MESU24_FUT_CME -> MESU24
2024-08-15 09:44:43.134 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Starting market orders updates for: MNQU24. MinimumMarketByOrderQuantity: 0. Service code: cme
2024-08-15 09:44:43.134 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Restarting market orders data for symbol: MNQU24_FUT_CME -> MNQU24
2024-08-15 09:44:43.449 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Market Orders data has been rejected for symbol: ESU24_FUT_CME. Market orders request not authorized.
2024-08-15 09:44:43.449 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Market Orders data has been rejected for symbol: MESU24_FUT_CME. Market orders request not authorized.
2024-08-15 09:44:43.449 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Market Orders data has been rejected for symbol: MNQU24_FUT_CME. Market orders request not authorized.
2024-08-15 09:44:57.048 | ExtendTheFundedTradingAccountStatusExpirationDate: Sending request.
2024-08-15 09:44:58.445 | ExtendTheFundedTradingAccountStatusExpirationDate | Result: {"Result":"The Funded Trading Account Status Expiration Date is more than 25 days into the future. The Date is currently: 2024-09-14"}. Success=true
2024-08-15 09:52:17.781 | Socket (2) | CloseSocket call.
2024-08-15 09:52:17.781 | Socket (2) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-08-15 09:52:17.999 | Socket (2) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-08-15 09:52:17.999 | Socket (2) | Closed.
2024-08-15 09:52:18.072 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-08-15 09:52:18.072 | HD Request # 1 | Received 47945801 Intraday data records from 2024-05-31 00:08:00.081000 to 2024-08-15 09:52:09.136011 (76.4 days. Delay: 8.9 seconds) and wrote 47945801 records for ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 09:52:18.077 | HD Request # 1 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-08-15 09:52:09.136011
2024-08-15 09:52:18.077 | HD Request # 1 | Completion time: 7m 39s.
2024-08-15 09:52:18.077 | HD Request # 1 | Intraday data download complete for ESU24_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 1
2024-08-15 09:52:18.077 | Removing historical data download ID 1.
2024-08-15 09:52:18.077 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 09:52:18.077 | Intraday chart data file opened for ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 09:52:18.077 | HD Request # 1 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-08-15 09:52:18.077 |
2024-08-15 09:52:18.077 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-08-15 09:52:18.077 | Initiating new historical data download for ESU24_FUT_CME to get the latest data since the download was started while not connected to primary service.
2024-08-15 09:52:18.077 | Added historical Intraday data request for ESU24_FUT_CME to the queue.
2024-08-15 09:52:18.077 | Intraday data recording state for symbol ESU24_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-08-15 09:52:18.077 | HD Request # 3 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ESU24_FUT_CME to the file ESU24_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2024-08-15 09:52:18.078 | HD Request # 3 | Download start date-time: 2024-08-15 09:52:09.000000. File last date-time: 2024-08-15 09:52:09.136011
2024-08-15 09:52:18.078 | HD Request # 3 | Using server: ds32.sierracharts.com port 10149
2024-08-15 09:52:18.078 | Socket (2) | Creating socket.
2024-08-15 09:52:18.078 | Socket (2) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-15 09:52:18.078 | Socket (2) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-15 09:52:18.489 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #3 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-08-15 09:52:18.491 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #3 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 09:52:18.497 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-08-15 09:52:18.498 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 09:52:18.525 | Enabling compression for file: C:\SierraChart\Data\ESU24_FUT_CME.dly
2024-08-15 09:52:18.549 | HD Request # 3 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-15 09:52:18.549 | HD Request # 3 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-08-15 09:52:19.266 | HD Request # 3 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-08-15 09:52:09. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ESU24
2024-08-15 09:52:19.444 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 09:52:19.482 | HD Request # 3 | Decompressing data.
2024-08-15 09:52:19.509 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 4,
2024-08-15 09:52:19.511 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #3 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 09:52:19.520 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #3 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 4,
2024-08-15 09:52:19.699 | HD Request # 3 | Receiving Intraday data for ESU24_FUT_CME starting at 2024-08-15 09:52:09.136000
2024-08-15 09:52:19.699 | Socket (2) | CloseSocket call.
2024-08-15 09:52:19.699 | Socket (2) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-08-15 09:52:19.924 | Socket (2) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-08-15 09:52:19.924 | Socket (2) | Closed.
2024-08-15 09:52:19.931 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-08-15 09:52:19.931 | HD Request # 3 | Received 12 Intraday data records from 2024-08-15 09:52:09.136000 to 2024-08-15 09:52:09.136011 (0.0 seconds. Delay: 10.8 seconds) and wrote 0 records for ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 09:52:19.931 | HD Request # 3 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-08-15 09:52:09.136011
2024-08-15 09:52:19.931 | HD Request # 3 | Completion time: 1s.
2024-08-15 09:52:19.931 | HD Request # 3 | Intraday data download complete for ESU24_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 4
2024-08-15 09:52:19.931 | Removing historical data download ID 4.
2024-08-15 09:52:19.931 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 09:52:19.931 | Intraday chart data file opened for ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 09:52:19.931 | HD Request # 3 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-08-15 09:52:19.931 |
2024-08-15 09:52:19.931 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-08-15 09:52:19.931 | HD Request # 4 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NQU24_FUT_CME to the file NQU24_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2024-08-15 09:52:19.932 | HD Request # 4 | Download start date-time: 2024-02-11 09:52:19.000000. File last date-time: 00:00:00.000000
2024-08-15 09:52:19.932 | HD Request # 4 | Using server: ds26.sierracharts.com port 10150
2024-08-15 09:52:19.932 | Socket (2) | Creating socket.
2024-08-15 09:52:19.932 | Socket (2) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-15 09:52:19.932 | Socket (2) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-15 09:52:20.388 | HD Request # 4 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-15 09:52:20.389 | HD Request # 4 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-08-15 09:52:20.405 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-08-15 09:52:20.406 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 09:52:20.441 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #3 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-08-15 09:52:20.441 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #3 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 09:52:21.096 | HD Request # 4 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-02-11 09:52:19. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NQU24
2024-08-15 09:52:21.289 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 09:52:21.313 | HD Request # 4 | Decompressing data.
2024-08-15 09:52:21.781 | HD Request # 4 | Receiving Intraday data for NQU24_FUT_CME starting at 2024-02-12 14:31:18.035000
2024-08-15 09:52:21.795 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #3 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 09:52:21.910 | + Loading additional symbol data. | Number times message added: 1
2024-08-15 09:52:22.433 | HD Request # 4 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-02-12 14:31:18.035000.
2024-08-15 09:52:22.733 | + Loading additional symbol data.
2024-08-15 09:52:22.819 | NQU24_FUT_CME[M]/MNQU24_FUT_CME[M] #9 Record has been filtered due to large range while loading Intraday data for NQU24_FUT_CME *
2024-08-15 09:52:23.184 | + Loading additional symbol data.
2024-08-15 09:52:23.795 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #3 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2024-08-14 09:30:00
2024-08-15 09:52:23.803 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\ESU24_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 16860
2024-08-15 09:52:23.804 | SC Data with Depth | Starting real-time market data updates for: UVOL-NYSE. ID: 5 Service code: statscalc
2024-08-15 09:52:23.805 | SC Data with Depth | Connecting to the server ds12.sierracharts.com. Port 443
2024-08-15 09:52:23.806 | DTC Client socket (5) | Creating socket.
2024-08-15 09:52:23.806 | DTC Client socket (5) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-15 09:52:23.806 | DTC Client socket (5) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-15 09:52:23.807 | SC Data with Depth | Requesting security definition data for: UVOL-NYSE. ID: 5
2024-08-15 09:52:23.807 | Added historical Intraday data request for UVOL-NYSE to the queue.
2024-08-15 09:52:23.807 | Intraday data recording state for symbol UVOL-NYSE is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-08-15 09:52:23.807 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-08-15 09:52:23.807 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #3 | Started historical data download for additional symbol UVOL-NYSE. Download ID: 5
2024-08-15 09:52:23.807 | SC Data with Depth | Starting real-time market data updates for: DVOL-NYSE. ID: 6 Service code: statscalc
2024-08-15 09:52:23.807 | SC Data with Depth | Requesting security definition data for: DVOL-NYSE. ID: 6
2024-08-15 09:52:23.807 | Added historical Intraday data request for DVOL-NYSE to the queue.
2024-08-15 09:52:23.807 | Intraday data recording state for symbol DVOL-NYSE is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-08-15 09:52:23.807 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #3 | Started historical data download for additional symbol DVOL-NYSE. Download ID: 6
2024-08-15 09:52:23.807 | SC Data with Depth | Starting real-time market data updates for: UVOL-NASDAQ. ID: 7 Service code: statscalc
2024-08-15 09:52:23.807 | SC Data with Depth | Requesting security definition data for: UVOL-NASDAQ. ID: 7
2024-08-15 09:52:23.808 | Added historical Intraday data request for UVOL-NASDAQ to the queue.
2024-08-15 09:52:23.808 | Intraday data recording state for symbol UVOL-NASDAQ is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-08-15 09:52:23.808 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #3 | Started historical data download for additional symbol UVOL-NASDAQ. Download ID: 7
2024-08-15 09:52:23.808 | SC Data with Depth | Starting real-time market data updates for: DVOL-NASDAQ. ID: 8 Service code: statscalc
2024-08-15 09:52:23.808 | SC Data with Depth | Requesting security definition data for: DVOL-NASDAQ. ID: 8
2024-08-15 09:52:23.808 | Added historical Intraday data request for DVOL-NASDAQ to the queue.
2024-08-15 09:52:23.808 | Intraday data recording state for symbol DVOL-NASDAQ is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-08-15 09:52:23.808 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #3 | Started historical data download for additional symbol DVOL-NASDAQ. Download ID: 8
2024-08-15 09:52:24.845 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #3 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-08-15 09:52:24.861 | SC Data with Depth | Network connection to server complete.
2024-08-15 09:52:24.861 | SC Data with Depth | Starting socket receive thread.
2024-08-15 09:52:24.861 | SC Data with Depth | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard
2024-08-15 09:52:25.434 | SC Data with Depth | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-15 09:52:25.434 | SC Data with Depth | Sending logon request message.
2024-08-15 09:52:26.289 | SC Data with Depth | Received logon response.
2024-08-15 09:52:26.289 | SC Data with Depth | Server Name: SC Realtime Server.
2024-08-15 09:52:26.289 | SC Data with Depth | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2024-08-15 09:52:26.289 | SC Data with Depth | Successfully connected.
2024-08-15 09:52:26.289 | SC Data with Depth | Trading is not supported.
2024-08-15 09:52:26.289 | SC Data with Depth | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2024-08-15 09:52:26.289 | SC Data with Depth | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: DVOL-NASDAQ
2024-08-15 09:52:26.289 | SC Data with Depth | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: DVOL-NYSE
2024-08-15 09:52:26.289 | SC Data with Depth | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: UVOL-NASDAQ
2024-08-15 09:52:26.289 | SC Data with Depth | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: UVOL-NYSE
2024-08-15 09:52:26.670 | SC Data with Depth | Received security definition for symbol DVOL-NASDAQ
2024-08-15 09:52:26.670 | SC Data with Depth | Received security definition for symbol DVOL-NYSE
2024-08-15 09:52:26.670 | SC Data with Depth | Received security definition for symbol UVOL-NASDAQ
2024-08-15 09:52:26.670 | SC Data with Depth | Received security definition for symbol UVOL-NYSE
2024-08-15 09:52:35.505 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Out of order timestamps detected. Chart tool drawings and some chart studies may not function properly. Prior Date Time: 2023-10-04 13:45:00. Next Bar Date Time: 2023-10-04 13:43:00. Filename: ESU24_FUT_CME.scid
2024-08-15 09:52:44.653 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Out of order timestamps detected. Chart tool drawings and some chart studies may not function properly. Prior Date Time: 2023-11-08 09:28:00. Next Bar Date Time: 2023-11-08 09:22:00. Filename: ESU24_FUT_CME.scid
2024-08-15 09:53:02.691 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Out of order timestamps detected. Chart tool drawings and some chart studies may not function properly. Prior Date Time: 2024-02-16 08:49:00. Next Bar Date Time: 2024-02-16 08:46:00. Filename: ESU24_FUT_CME.scid
2024-08-15 09:53:18.538 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Out of order timestamps detected. Chart tool drawings and some chart studies may not function properly. Prior Date Time: 2024-05-02 10:59:00. Next Bar Date Time: 2024-05-02 10:57:00. Filename: ESU24_FUT_CME.scid
2024-08-15 09:53:22.463 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Out of order timestamps detected. Chart tool drawings and some chart studies may not function properly. Prior Date Time: 2024-05-28 11:19:00. Next Bar Date Time: 2024-05-28 11:17:00. Filename: ESU24_FUT_CME.scid
2024-08-15 09:53:31.093 | Saved Chartbook: DOM_BOOK.Cht. Time: 0.3726 seconds.

Hi, have done both actions, still getting the above error. my pc clock is accurate for what its worth
[2024-08-15 15:23:58]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34744
We are not seeing the same error as you had before. Are you still having an issue with the bar data not displaying correctly?

With regards to the Out of Order Timestamps, this occurs occasionally, and seeing this on a redownload of the full data for a contract is nothing to be concerned about. If you see it regularly, then it is something we would need to know about.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2024-08-15 16:09:41]
greenugly - Posts: 18
yup the candles are still not updating, and the time remaining has stopped updating as well
have repeated the steps above and installed newest version of sierracharts
message log as below:
[2024-08-15 16:09:52]
greenugly - Posts: 18
2024-08-15 16:02:12.071 | Trade activity files set size: 1236
2024-08-15 16:02:12.375 | Created the DTC Protocol server.
2024-08-15 16:02:12.377 | DTC Protocol Server listening on port 11099.
2024-08-15 16:02:12.377 | Reading Internal Order ID file.
2024-08-15 16:02:12.378 | Reading Trade Orders file.
2024-08-15 16:02:12.378 | Reading Trade Positions file.
2024-08-15 16:02:12.378 | Reading Trade Account Data files.
2024-08-15 16:02:12.380 | Software version: 2667 64-bit
2024-08-15 16:02:12.380 | OpenGL enabled (NVIDIA Corporation/NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Laptop GPU/PCIe/SSE2)
2024-08-15 16:02:12.380 | Primary Thread ID: 22072
2024-08-15 16:02:12.380 | Usage end date: 2024-09-15
2024-08-15 16:02:12.380 | Enabled for: Advanced Features 2.
2024-08-15 16:02:12.380 | Enabled for: Sierra Chart Historical Data Service.
2024-08-15 16:02:12.380 | Enabled for: Denali Real-Time Exchange Data Feed.
2024-08-15 16:02:12.380 | Enabled for: Delayed Denali Exchange Data Feed.
2024-08-15 16:02:12.380 | Enabled for exchange2: CME
2024-08-15 16:02:12.380 | Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds is enabled.
2024-08-15 16:02:12.380 | Current selected Data/Trading service: Teton CME Order Routing
2024-08-15 16:02:12.380 | Custom symbol settings values: enabled
2024-08-15 16:02:12.380 | Chart Update Interval: 500
2024-08-15 16:02:12.380 | Intraday Data Storage Time Unit: 0
2024-08-15 16:02:12.380 | Time Zone: +00:00:00 (UTC+00)
2024-08-15 16:02:12.380 | 2024-08-15 16:02:12 Local computer time in UTC
2024-08-15 16:02:12.380 | 2024-08-15 16:02:12 Local computer time in SC Time Zone
2024-08-15 16:02:12.380 | 2024-08-15 16:02:11 Server time in UTC
2024-08-15 16:02:12.380 | Local computer UTC time and Server UTC time difference: 0 seconds.
2024-08-15 16:02:12.380 | Program path: C:\SierraChart\
2024-08-15 16:02:12.380 | Data Files path: C:\SierraChart\Data\
2024-08-15 16:02:12.380 | OS Version Number: 10.0
2024-08-15 16:02:12.380 | Locale Setting: C
2024-08-15 16:02:12.380 | DLLs: BreathBubbles2.0_64.dll, gcUserStudies_2500_64.dll, UserContributedStudies_64.dll
2024-08-15 16:02:12.380 | Allowed protected custom studies:
2024-08-15 16:02:12.380 | Crash reporter started: true
2024-08-15 16:02:12.380 |
2024-08-15 16:02:12.395 | Created the DTC Protocol historical data server.
2024-08-15 16:02:12.396 | HD Server Manager | Listening on port 11098.
2024-08-15 16:02:12.396 | Checking for new symbol settings. Requested symbol settings MD5 for service code sc_futures_direct.dtc.trading. Request ID: 1.
2024-08-15 16:02:12.421 | HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-08-15 16:02:12.645 | HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-08-15 16:02:12.645 | HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Closed.
2024-08-15 16:02:13.108 | Received 5 login tokens.
2024-08-15 16:02:13.722 | Symbol settings MD5 received. Request ID: 1.
2024-08-15 16:02:13.722 | Symbol settings are up-to-date for sc_futures_direct.dtc.trading.
2024-08-15 16:02:14.884 | Requested user files to download.
2024-08-15 16:02:16.884 |
2024-08-15 16:02:16.884 | Teton CME Order Routing | Firm: Phillip Capital
2024-08-15 16:02:16.886 | Teton CME Order Routing | Connecting to the server futurestrading14.sierracharts.com. Port 11089
2024-08-15 16:02:16.904 | DTC Client socket (1) | Creating socket. Using TLS 1.2.
2024-08-15 16:02:16.904 | DTC Client socket (1) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-15 16:02:16.904 | DTC Client socket (1) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-15 16:02:17.168 | Teton CME Order Routing | Network connection to server complete.
2024-08-15 16:02:17.168 | Teton CME Order Routing | Starting socket receive thread.
2024-08-15 16:02:17.169 | Teton CME Order Routing | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: none
2024-08-15 16:02:17.963 | Teton CME Order Routing | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-15 16:02:17.963 | Teton CME Order Routing | Sending logon request message.
2024-08-15 16:02:18.708 | Teton CME Order Routing | Received logon response.
2024-08-15 16:02:18.708 | Teton CME Order Routing | Server Name: SC DTC Server. Build=50039.
2024-08-15 16:02:18.708 | Teton CME Order Routing | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2024-08-15 16:02:18.708 | Teton CME Order Routing | Successfully connected. Connected to SC DTC Protocol server. Service=cme_ilink.trading|SymbolSettings=cme_ilink_live.trading.
2024-08-15 16:02:18.708 | Teton CME Order Routing | Trading is supported.
2024-08-15 16:02:18.708 | Teton CME Order Routing | Order cancel and replace is supported.
2024-08-15 16:02:18.708 | Teton CME Order Routing | OCO Orders supported.
2024-08-15 16:02:18.708 | Teton CME Order Routing | Bracket Orders supported.
2024-08-15 16:02:18.708 | Teton CME Order Routing | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2024-08-15 16:02:18.708 | Teton CME Order Routing | Connected to server complete.
2024-08-15 16:02:18.708 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | Number times message added: 3
2024-08-15 16:02:18.709 | Teton CME Order Routing | Performing query for most recent Order Activity Date-Time.
2024-08-15 16:02:18.720 | Teton CME Order Routing | Requesting historical order activity from server. Start date-time UTC: 2024-08-15 14:44:05.200951
2024-08-15 16:02:18.972 | Updated verified funded futures trading account ending date to: 2024-09-14 16:02:18
2024-08-15 16:02:18.993 | Teton CME Order Routing | Received final trade activity snapshot. Count=1. No data. TradeAccount=7PV1618
2024-08-15 16:02:20.102 | Files to Open on Startup | Opening file: ChartbookGroups\tae\DOM_BOOK.Cht
2024-08-15 16:02:20.287 | NQU24_FUT_CME/MNQU24_FUT_CME #9 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 16:02:20.295 | Loading DLL: C:\SierraChart\Data\UserContributedStudies.dll (UserContributedStudies_64.dll). Handle: 7ffd98bf0000
2024-08-15 16:02:20.768 | Enabling compression for file: C:\SierraChart\Data\ESU24_FUT_CME.scid
2024-08-15 16:02:20.770 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME #10 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 16:02:20.822 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME 5 Min #5 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 16:02:21.019 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME #1 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 16:02:21.072 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 16:02:21.077 | Starting DelayedDownloadMonitoringTimer
2024-08-15 16:02:21.077 | Starting HDTimeoutTimer
2024-08-15 16:02:21.077 | Added historical Intraday data request for ESU24_FUT_CME to the queue.
2024-08-15 16:02:21.078 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-08-15 16:02:21.080 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Performing continuous chart historical Daily data download for symbol ESU24_FUT_CME starting at last date in file.
2024-08-15 16:02:21.080 | Starting DelayedDownloadMonitoringTimer
2024-08-15 16:02:21.080 | Starting HDTimeoutTimer
2024-08-15 16:02:21.080 | Added historical Daily data request for ESU24_FUT_CME to the queue.
2024-08-15 16:02:21.081 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-08-15 16:02:21.121 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 1, 2,
2024-08-15 16:02:21.323 | Chart #6 | Base Graph ID: 0 DateTime: Array is unallocated. | Number times message added: 12
2024-08-15 16:02:21.391 | ESU24_FUT_CME 5 Min #8 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 16:02:21.396 | Loading DLL: C:\SierraChart\Data\gcUserStudies.dll (gcUserStudies_2500_64.dll). Handle: 7ffdb9440000
2024-08-15 16:02:21.404 | Loading DLL: C:\SierraChart\Data\BreathBubbles2.0.dll (BreathBubbles2.0_64.dll). Handle: 66000000
2024-08-15 16:02:21.452 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #3 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 16:02:21.453 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #3 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 1, 2,
2024-08-15 16:02:21.507 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #2 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 16:02:21.508 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #2 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 1, 2,
2024-08-15 16:02:21.535 | NQU24_FUT_CME/MNQU24_FUT_CME #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2024-08-01 00:00:00
2024-08-15 16:02:21.684 | NQU24_FUT_CME/MNQU24_FUT_CME #9 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-08-15 16:02:21.691 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME #10 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2024-08-01 00:00:00
2024-08-15 16:02:21.914 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME #10 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-08-15 16:02:21.916 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME 5 Min #5 | Currently no data in file to display. Will start historical data download and real-time updates. File: C:\SierraChart\Data\ESU24_FUT_CME.scid
2024-08-15 16:02:21.916 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME 5 Min #5 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-08-15 16:02:21.926 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME #1 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2024-08-01 00:00:00
2024-08-15 16:02:21.936 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME #1 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-08-15 16:02:21.937 | Mapping ESU24_FUT_CME to ESU24. Service code: cme
2024-08-15 16:02:21.937 | Using symbol data fast lookup vector
2024-08-15 16:02:21.937 | HD Request # 1 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ESU24_FUT_CME to the file ESU24_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2024-08-15 16:02:21.937 | HD Request # 1 | Download start date-time: 2024-05-31 00:00:00.000000. File last date-time: 00:00:00.000000
2024-08-15 16:02:21.937 | HD Request # 1 | Using server: ds28.sierracharts.com port 10149
2024-08-15 16:02:21.937 | Socket (2) | Creating socket.
2024-08-15 16:02:21.937 | HD Request # 2 | Downloading Historical Daily chart data for ESU24_FUT_CME. Starting date: 1974-08-28. Service: sc_futures_direct.dtc.trading
2024-08-15 16:02:21.937 | Socket (2) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-15 16:02:21.937 | Socket (2) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-15 16:02:21.939 | ESU24_FUT_CME 5 Min #8 | Currently no data in file to display. Will start historical data download and real-time updates. File: C:\SierraChart\Data\ESU24_FUT_CME.scid
2024-08-15 16:02:21.948 | ESU24_FUT_CME 5 Min #8 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-08-15 16:02:21.984 | Chart #6 | Base Graph ID: 0 DateTime: Array is unallocated. | Number times message added: 11
2024-08-15 16:02:21.984 | Array message repeat count limit reached.
2024-08-15 16:02:22.058 | Mapping MNQU24_FUT_CME to MNQU24. Service code: cme
2024-08-15 16:02:22.058 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MNQU24_FUT_CME (MNQU24). ID: 2 Service code: cme
2024-08-15 16:02:22.060 | Denali Data Feed | Connecting to the server ds25-2.sierracharts.com. Port 10048
2024-08-15 16:02:22.061 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MNQU24_FUT_CME (MNQU24). ID: 2
2024-08-15 16:02:22.062 | Mapping NQU24_FUT_CME to NQU24. Service code: cme
2024-08-15 16:02:22.062 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: NQU24_FUT_CME (NQU24). ID: 3 Service code: cme
2024-08-15 16:02:22.062 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: NQU24_FUT_CME (NQU24). ID: 3
2024-08-15 16:02:22.062 | Added historical Intraday data request for NQU24_FUT_CME to the queue.
2024-08-15 16:02:22.062 | Intraday data recording state for symbol NQU24_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-08-15 16:02:22.062 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-08-15 16:02:22.075 | Mapping MESU24_FUT_CME to MESU24. Service code: cme
2024-08-15 16:02:22.075 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MESU24_FUT_CME (MESU24). ID: 4 Service code: cme
2024-08-15 16:02:22.075 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MESU24_FUT_CME (MESU24). ID: 4
2024-08-15 16:02:22.075 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: ESU24_FUT_CME (ESU24). ID: 1 Service code: cme
2024-08-15 16:02:22.075 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: ESU24_FUT_CME (ESU24). ID: 1
2024-08-15 16:02:22.079 | DTC Client socket (4) | Creating socket.
2024-08-15 16:02:22.079 | DTC Client socket (4) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-15 16:02:22.079 | DTC Client socket (4) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-15 16:02:22.327 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: MNQU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 16:02:22.327 | Teton CME Order Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol MNQU24_FUT_CME to 13941
2024-08-15 16:02:22.327 | Teton CME Order Routing | Received security definition for symbol MNQU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 16:02:22.327 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: NQU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 16:02:22.327 | Teton CME Order Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol NQU24_FUT_CME to 4358
2024-08-15 16:02:22.327 | Teton CME Order Routing | Received security definition for symbol NQU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 16:02:22.338 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: MESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 16:02:22.338 | Teton CME Order Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol MESU24_FUT_CME to 7114
2024-08-15 16:02:22.338 | Teton CME Order Routing | Received security definition for symbol MESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 16:02:22.352 | Denali Data Feed | Network connection to server complete.
2024-08-15 16:02:22.352 | Denali Data Feed | Starting socket receive thread.
2024-08-15 16:02:22.352 | Denali Data Feed | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard
2024-08-15 16:02:22.426 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 16:02:22.426 | Teton CME Order Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol ESU24_FUT_CME to 118
2024-08-15 16:02:22.426 | Teton CME Order Routing | Received security definition for symbol ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 16:02:22.491 | HD Request # 1 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-15 16:02:22.491 | HD Request # 1 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-08-15 16:02:22.651 | Denali Data Feed | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-15 16:02:22.651 | Denali Data Feed | Sending logon request message.
2024-08-15 16:02:22.949 | HD Request # 2 | Requesting historical Daily data for ESU24 starting at 1974-08-27. SC External HD service.
2024-08-15 16:02:23.250 | HD Request # 1 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-05-31 00:00:00. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ESU24
2024-08-15 16:02:23.522 | HD Request # 1 | Decompressing data.
2024-08-15 16:02:23.697 | Requesting market depth updates for: MESU24_FUT_CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2024-08-15 16:02:23.697 | Requesting market depth updates for: MNQU24_FUT_CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2024-08-15 16:02:23.842 | Denali Data Feed | Received logon response.
2024-08-15 16:02:23.842 | Denali Data Feed | Server Name: SC Realtime Server.
2024-08-15 16:02:23.842 | Denali Data Feed | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2024-08-15 16:02:23.842 | Denali Data Feed | Successfully connected.
2024-08-15 16:02:23.842 | Denali Data Feed | Trading is not supported.
2024-08-15 16:02:23.842 | Denali Data Feed | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2024-08-15 16:02:23.842 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: ESU24_FUT_CME -> ESU24
2024-08-15 16:02:23.843 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Connecting to the server ds25-2.sierracharts.com. Port 10060
2024-08-15 16:02:23.844 | DTC Client socket (3) | Creating socket.
2024-08-15 16:02:23.844 | DTC Client socket (3) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-15 16:02:23.844 | DTC Client socket (3) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-15 16:02:23.845 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MESU24_FUT_CME -> MESU24. Market Depth data restarted.
2024-08-15 16:02:23.845 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MNQU24_FUT_CME -> MNQU24. Market Depth data restarted.
2024-08-15 16:02:23.845 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: NQU24_FUT_CME -> NQU24
2024-08-15 16:02:24.079 | HD Request # 1 | Receiving Intraday data for ESU24_FUT_CME starting at 2024-05-31 00:08:00.081000
2024-08-15 16:02:24.115 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Network connection to server complete.
2024-08-15 16:02:24.115 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Starting socket receive thread.
2024-08-15 16:02:24.115 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard
2024-08-15 16:02:24.388 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-15 16:02:24.388 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Sending logon request message.
2024-08-15 16:02:24.398 | HD Request # 2 | Receiving historical Daily data for ESU24_FUT_CME starting at 2022-06-16.
2024-08-15 16:02:24.398 | HD Request # 2 | Writing historical Daily data to the file ESU24_FUT_CME.dly.
2024-08-15 16:02:24.402 | HD Request # 2 | Bytes received: 25566
2024-08-15 16:02:24.402 | HD Request # 2 | Received 544 Daily data records from 2022-06-16 00:00:00 to 2024-08-14 00:00:00 (2.2 years) and wrote 544 records for ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 16:02:24.402 | HD Request # 2 | Completion time: 3s.
2024-08-15 16:02:24.402 | HD Request # 2 | Daily data download complete for ESU24_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 2
2024-08-15 16:02:24.402 | Removing historical data download ID 2.
2024-08-15 16:02:24.402 |
2024-08-15 16:02:24.402 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2024-08-15 16:02:24.488 | Denali Data Feed | Clearing market depth for MESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 16:02:24.488 | Denali Data Feed | Clearing market depth for MNQU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 16:02:24.488 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol ESU24_FUT_CME to 118
2024-08-15 16:02:24.488 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 16:02:24.488 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol MESU24_FUT_CME to 7114
2024-08-15 16:02:24.488 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 16:02:24.488 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol MNQU24_FUT_CME to 13941
2024-08-15 16:02:24.488 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MNQU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 16:02:24.489 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol NQU24_FUT_CME to 4358
2024-08-15 16:02:24.489 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol NQU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 16:02:24.896 | HD Request # 1 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-05-31 00:08:00.081000.
2024-08-15 16:02:25.237 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Received logon response.
2024-08-15 16:02:25.237 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Server Name: SC Realtime Server.
2024-08-15 16:02:25.237 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2024-08-15 16:02:25.237 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Successfully connected.
2024-08-15 16:02:25.237 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Trading is not supported.
2024-08-15 16:02:25.237 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2024-08-15 16:02:25.237 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Starting market orders updates for: MESU24. MinimumMarketByOrderQuantity: 0. Service code: cme
2024-08-15 16:02:25.237 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Restarting market orders data for symbol: MESU24_FUT_CME -> MESU24
2024-08-15 16:02:25.237 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Starting market orders updates for: MNQU24. MinimumMarketByOrderQuantity: 0. Service code: cme
2024-08-15 16:02:25.237 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Restarting market orders data for symbol: MNQU24_FUT_CME -> MNQU24
2024-08-15 16:02:25.621 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Market Orders data has been rejected for symbol: MESU24_FUT_CME. Market orders request not authorized.
2024-08-15 16:02:25.621 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Market Orders data has been rejected for symbol: MNQU24_FUT_CME. Market orders request not authorized.
2024-08-15 16:02:39.005 | ExtendTheFundedTradingAccountStatusExpirationDate: Sending request.
2024-08-15 16:02:39.984 | ExtendTheFundedTradingAccountStatusExpirationDate | Result: {"Result":"The Funded Trading Account Status Expiration Date is more than 25 days into the future. The Date is currently: 2024-09-14"}. Success=true
2024-08-15 16:02:48.872 | Requesting market depth updates for: ESU24_FUT_CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2024-08-15 16:02:48.872 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Starting market orders updates for: ESU24. MinimumMarketByOrderQuantity: 0. Service code: cme
2024-08-15 16:02:49.249 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Market Orders data has been rejected for symbol: ESU24_FUT_CME. Market orders request not authorized.
2024-08-15 16:02:49.285 | Denali Data Feed | Clearing market depth for ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 16:07:09.807 | Socket (2) | CloseSocket call.
2024-08-15 16:07:09.807 | Socket (2) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-08-15 16:07:10.077 | Socket (2) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-08-15 16:07:10.077 | Socket (2) | Closed.
2024-08-15 16:07:10.240 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-08-15 16:07:10.240 | HD Request # 1 | Received 48402916 Intraday data records from 2024-05-31 00:08:00.081000 to 2024-08-15 16:07:06.681002 (76.7 days. Delay: 3.6 seconds) and wrote 48402916 records for ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 16:07:10.245 | HD Request # 1 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-08-15 16:07:06.681002
2024-08-15 16:07:10.245 | Added 13 Time and Sales records to Intraday data file for ESU24_FUT_CME after download.
2024-08-15 16:07:10.245 | HD Request # 1 | Completion time: 4m 49s.
2024-08-15 16:07:10.245 | HD Request # 1 | Intraday data download complete for ESU24_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 1
2024-08-15 16:07:10.245 | Removing historical data download ID 1.
2024-08-15 16:07:10.245 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 16:07:10.245 | Intraday chart data file opened for ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 16:07:10.245 | HD Request # 1 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-08-15 16:07:10.245 |
2024-08-15 16:07:10.245 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-08-15 16:07:10.245 | Initiating new historical data download for ESU24_FUT_CME to get the latest data since the download was started while not connected to primary service.
2024-08-15 16:07:10.245 | Added historical Intraday data request for ESU24_FUT_CME to the queue.
2024-08-15 16:07:10.245 | Intraday data recording state for symbol ESU24_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-08-15 16:07:10.246 | HD Request # 3 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ESU24_FUT_CME to the file ESU24_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2024-08-15 16:07:10.250 | HD Request # 3 | Download start date-time: 2024-08-15 16:07:09.000000. File last date-time: 2024-08-15 16:07:09.064005
2024-08-15 16:07:10.250 | HD Request # 3 | Using server: ds32.sierracharts.com port 10150
2024-08-15 16:07:10.253 | Socket (2) | Creating socket.
2024-08-15 16:07:10.253 | Socket (2) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-15 16:07:10.253 | Socket (2) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-15 16:07:10.315 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-08-15 16:07:10.315 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 16:07:10.340 | Enabling compression for file: C:\SierraChart\Data\ESU24_FUT_CME.dly
2024-08-15 16:07:10.345 | Chart #6 | Base Graph ID: 0 DateTime: Array is unallocated. | Number times message added: 12
2024-08-15 16:07:10.815 | HD Request # 3 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-15 16:07:10.815 | HD Request # 3 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-08-15 16:07:10.877 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #3 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-08-15 16:07:10.878 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #3 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 16:07:10.883 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #2 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-08-15 16:07:10.884 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #2 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 16:07:11.354 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 16:07:11.422 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 4,
2024-08-15 16:07:11.422 | Chart #6 | Base Graph ID: 0 DateTime: Array is unallocated. | Number times message added: 12
2024-08-15 16:07:11.577 | HD Request # 3 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-08-15 16:07:09. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ESU24
2024-08-15 16:07:11.847 | HD Request # 3 | Decompressing data.
2024-08-15 16:07:11.979 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #3 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 16:07:11.989 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #3 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 4,
2024-08-15 16:07:11.996 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #2 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 16:07:12.006 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #2 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 4,
2024-08-15 16:07:12.132 | HD Request # 3 | Receiving Intraday data for ESU24_FUT_CME starting at 2024-08-15 15:07:09.345000
2024-08-15 16:07:13.487 | Socket (2) | CloseSocket call.
2024-08-15 16:07:13.487 | Socket (2) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-08-15 16:07:13.524 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-08-15 16:07:13.524 | HD Request # 3 | Received 73256 Intraday data records from 2024-08-15 15:07:09.345000 to 2024-08-15 16:07:08.758000 (60.0 minutes. Delay: 4.8 seconds) and wrote 0 records for ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 16:07:13.525 | HD Request # 3 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-08-15 16:07:09.064005
2024-08-15 16:07:13.529 | Added 60 Time and Sales records to Intraday data file for ESU24_FUT_CME after download.
2024-08-15 16:07:13.529 | HD Request # 3 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-08-15 16:07:09.534000.
2024-08-15 16:07:13.529 | HD Request # 3 | Completion time: 3s.
2024-08-15 16:07:13.529 | HD Request # 3 | Intraday data download complete for ESU24_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 4
2024-08-15 16:07:13.529 | Removing historical data download ID 4.
2024-08-15 16:07:13.530 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 16:07:13.530 | Intraday chart data file opened for ESU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 16:07:13.530 | HD Request # 3 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-08-15 16:07:13.530 |
2024-08-15 16:07:13.530 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-08-15 16:07:13.530 | HD Request # 4 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NQU24_FUT_CME to the file NQU24_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2024-08-15 16:07:13.531 | HD Request # 4 | Download start date-time: 2024-08-15 16:01:40.000000. File last date-time: 2024-08-15 16:01:40.597001
2024-08-15 16:07:13.531 | HD Request # 4 | Using server: ds26.sierracharts.com port 10149
2024-08-15 16:07:13.531 | Socket (5) | Creating socket.
2024-08-15 16:07:13.531 | Socket (5) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-15 16:07:13.531 | Socket (5) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-15 16:07:13.571 | Chart #6 | Base Graph ID: 0 DateTime: Array is unallocated. | Number times message added: 11
2024-08-15 16:07:13.571 | Array message repeat count limit reached.
2024-08-15 16:07:13.608 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-08-15 16:07:13.609 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 16:07:13.643 | Chart #6 | Base Graph ID: 0 DateTime: Array is unallocated. | Number times message added: 12
2024-08-15 16:07:13.758 | Socket (2) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-08-15 16:07:13.758 | Socket (2) | Closed.
2024-08-15 16:07:14.087 | HD Request # 4 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-15 16:07:14.087 | HD Request # 4 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-08-15 16:07:14.202 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #3 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-08-15 16:07:14.203 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #3 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 16:07:14.203 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #2 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-08-15 16:07:14.204 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #2 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 16:07:14.520 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\ESU24_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 20308
2024-08-15 16:07:14.717 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 16:07:14.817 | Chart #6 | Base Graph ID: 0 DateTime: Array is unallocated. | Number times message added: 12
2024-08-15 16:07:14.849 | HD Request # 4 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-08-15 16:01:40. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NQU24
2024-08-15 16:07:14.920 | + Loading additional symbol data. | Number times message added: 1
2024-08-15 16:07:15.124 | HD Request # 4 | Decompressing data.
2024-08-15 16:07:15.295 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #2 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 16:07:15.310 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV] 5 Min #3 | Reloading chart.
2024-08-15 16:07:15.335 | + Loading additional symbol data. | Number times message added: 1
2024-08-15 16:07:15.690 | HD Request # 4 | Receiving Intraday data for NQU24_FUT_CME starting at 2024-08-15 16:01:40.115000
2024-08-15 16:07:15.691 | Socket (5) | CloseSocket call.
2024-08-15 16:07:15.691 | Socket (5) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-08-15 16:07:15.811 | + Loading additional symbol data. | Number times message added: 1
2024-08-15 16:07:15.847 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-08-15 16:07:15.847 | HD Request # 4 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-08-15 16:01:41.634000.
2024-08-15 16:07:15.847 | HD Request # 4 | Received 3274 Intraday data records from 2024-08-15 16:01:40.115000 to 2024-08-15 16:07:12.665000 (5.5 minutes. Delay: 3.2 seconds) and wrote 3269 records for NQU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 16:07:15.854 | HD Request # 4 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-08-15 16:07:12.665000
2024-08-15 16:07:15.854 | Added 18 Time and Sales records to Intraday data file for NQU24_FUT_CME after download.
2024-08-15 16:07:15.855 | HD Request # 4 | Completion time: 2s.
2024-08-15 16:07:15.855 | HD Request # 4 | Intraday data download complete for NQU24_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 3
2024-08-15 16:07:15.855 | Removing historical data download ID 3.
2024-08-15 16:07:15.855 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NQU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 16:07:15.855 | Intraday chart data file opened for NQU24_FUT_CME
2024-08-15 16:07:15.855 | HD Request # 4 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-08-15 16:07:15.855 |
2024-08-15 16:07:15.855 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2024-08-15 16:07:15.965 | Socket (5) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-08-15 16:07:15.965 | Socket (5) | Closed.
2024-08-15 16:07:16.328 | + Loading additional symbol data. | Number times message added: 1
2024-08-15 16:07:17.100 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #2 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2024-08-15 00:00:00
2024-08-15 16:07:17.110 | SC Data with Depth | Starting real-time market data updates for: UVOL-NYSE. ID: 5 Service code: statscalc
2024-08-15 16:07:17.111 | SC Data with Depth | Connecting to the server ds12.sierracharts.com. Port 10048
2024-08-15 16:07:17.111 | DTC Client socket (2) | Creating socket.
2024-08-15 16:07:17.111 | DTC Client socket (2) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-15 16:07:17.111 | DTC Client socket (2) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-15 16:07:17.112 | SC Data with Depth | Requesting security definition data for: UVOL-NYSE. ID: 5
2024-08-15 16:07:17.112 | Added historical Intraday data request for UVOL-NYSE to the queue.
2024-08-15 16:07:17.112 | Intraday data recording state for symbol UVOL-NYSE is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-08-15 16:07:17.112 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-08-15 16:07:17.112 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #2 | Started historical data download for additional symbol UVOL-NYSE. Download ID: 5
2024-08-15 16:07:17.113 | SC Data with Depth | Starting real-time market data updates for: DVOL-NYSE. ID: 6 Service code: statscalc
2024-08-15 16:07:17.113 | SC Data with Depth | Requesting security definition data for: DVOL-NYSE. ID: 6
2024-08-15 16:07:17.113 | Added historical Intraday data request for DVOL-NYSE to the queue.
2024-08-15 16:07:17.113 | Intraday data recording state for symbol DVOL-NYSE is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-08-15 16:07:17.113 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #2 | Started historical data download for additional symbol DVOL-NYSE. Download ID: 6
2024-08-15 16:07:17.113 | SC Data with Depth | Starting real-time market data updates for: UVOL-NASDAQ. ID: 7 Service code: statscalc
2024-08-15 16:07:17.113 | SC Data with Depth | Requesting security definition data for: UVOL-NASDAQ. ID: 7
2024-08-15 16:07:17.113 | Added historical Intraday data request for UVOL-NASDAQ to the queue.
2024-08-15 16:07:17.113 | Intraday data recording state for symbol UVOL-NASDAQ is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-08-15 16:07:17.113 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #2 | Started historical data download for additional symbol UVOL-NASDAQ. Download ID: 7
2024-08-15 16:07:17.113 | SC Data with Depth | Starting real-time market data updates for: DVOL-NASDAQ. ID: 8 Service code: statscalc
2024-08-15 16:07:17.113 | SC Data with Depth | Requesting security definition data for: DVOL-NASDAQ. ID: 8
2024-08-15 16:07:17.113 | Added historical Intraday data request for DVOL-NASDAQ to the queue.
2024-08-15 16:07:17.113 | Intraday data recording state for symbol DVOL-NASDAQ is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-08-15 16:07:17.113 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #2 | Started historical data download for additional symbol DVOL-NASDAQ. Download ID: 8
2024-08-15 16:07:18.261 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #2 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-08-15 16:07:18.265 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #3 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 2024-08-15 00:00:00
2024-08-15 16:07:18.278 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #3 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-08-15 16:07:18.339 | Delaying start of download for UVOL-NYSE.
2024-08-15 16:07:18.339 | SC Data with Depth | Network connection to server complete.
2024-08-15 16:07:18.339 | SC Data with Depth | Starting socket receive thread.
2024-08-15 16:07:18.340 | SC Data with Depth | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard
2024-08-15 16:07:18.814 | SC Data with Depth | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-15 16:07:18.814 | SC Data with Depth | Sending logon request message.
2024-08-15 16:07:19.358 | Chart #6 | Base Graph ID: 0 DateTime: Array is unallocated. | Number times message added: 11
2024-08-15 16:07:19.358 | Array message repeat count limit reached.
2024-08-15 16:07:19.567 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\NQU24_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 20308
2024-08-15 16:07:19.829 | SC Data with Depth | Received logon response.
2024-08-15 16:07:19.829 | SC Data with Depth | Server Name: SC Realtime Server.
2024-08-15 16:07:19.829 | SC Data with Depth | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2024-08-15 16:07:19.829 | SC Data with Depth | Successfully connected.
2024-08-15 16:07:19.829 | SC Data with Depth | Trading is not supported.
2024-08-15 16:07:19.829 | SC Data with Depth | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2024-08-15 16:07:19.831 | SC Data with Depth | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: DVOL-NASDAQ
2024-08-15 16:07:19.831 | SC Data with Depth | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: DVOL-NYSE
2024-08-15 16:07:19.831 | SC Data with Depth | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: UVOL-NASDAQ
2024-08-15 16:07:19.831 | SC Data with Depth | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: UVOL-NYSE
2024-08-15 16:07:20.249 | SC Data with Depth | Setting external service identifier for symbol DVOL-NASDAQ to 47
2024-08-15 16:07:20.249 | SC Data with Depth | Received security definition for symbol DVOL-NASDAQ
2024-08-15 16:07:20.249 | SC Data with Depth | Setting external service identifier for symbol DVOL-NYSE to 13
2024-08-15 16:07:20.249 | SC Data with Depth | Received security definition for symbol DVOL-NYSE
2024-08-15 16:07:20.249 | SC Data with Depth | Setting external service identifier for symbol UVOL-NASDAQ to 45
2024-08-15 16:07:20.249 | SC Data with Depth | Received security definition for symbol UVOL-NASDAQ
2024-08-15 16:07:20.249 | SC Data with Depth | Setting external service identifier for symbol UVOL-NYSE to 11
2024-08-15 16:07:20.249 | SC Data with Depth | Received security definition for symbol UVOL-NYSE
2024-08-15 16:07:25.984 | HD Request # 5 | Downloading Intraday chart data for UVOL-NYSE to the file UVOL-NYSE.scid. Service: statscalc
2024-08-15 16:07:25.984 | HD Request # 5 | Download start date-time: 2024-08-15 16:01:40.000000. File last date-time: 2024-08-15 16:01:40.463001
2024-08-15 16:07:25.984 | HD Request # 5 | Using server: ds12.sierracharts.com port 10150
2024-08-15 16:07:25.984 | Socket (5) | Creating socket.
2024-08-15 16:07:25.984 | Socket (5) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-15 16:07:25.984 | Socket (5) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-15 16:07:26.552 | HD Request # 5 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-15 16:07:26.552 | HD Request # 5 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-08-15 16:07:27.303 | HD Request # 5 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-08-15 16:01:40. Record interval: 0. Symbol: UVOL-NYSE
2024-08-15 16:07:27.577 | HD Request # 5 | Decompressing data.
2024-08-15 16:07:27.853 | HD Request # 5 | Receiving Intraday data for UVOL-NYSE starting at 2024-08-15 16:01:40.000000
2024-08-15 16:07:27.853 | Socket (5) | CloseSocket call.
2024-08-15 16:07:27.853 | Socket (5) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-08-15 16:07:27.863 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-08-15 16:07:27.863 | HD Request # 5 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-08-15 16:01:41.000000.
2024-08-15 16:07:27.863 | HD Request # 5 | Received 346 Intraday data records from 2024-08-15 16:01:40.000000 to 2024-08-15 16:07:25.000000 (5.8 minutes. Delay: 2.9 seconds) and wrote 345 records for UVOL-NYSE
2024-08-15 16:07:27.870 | HD Request # 5 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-08-15 16:07:25.000000
2024-08-15 16:07:27.870 | Added 19 Time and Sales records to Intraday data file for UVOL-NYSE after download.
2024-08-15 16:07:27.871 | HD Request # 5 | Completion time: 2s.
2024-08-15 16:07:27.871 | HD Request # 5 | Intraday data download complete for UVOL-NYSE. Unique request ID: 5
2024-08-15 16:07:27.871 | Removing historical data download ID 5.
2024-08-15 16:07:27.871 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for UVOL-NYSE
2024-08-15 16:07:27.871 | Intraday chart data file opened for UVOL-NYSE
2024-08-15 16:07:27.871 | HD Request # 5 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-08-15 16:07:27.871 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #2 | Historical data download for additional symbol UVOL-NYSE with ID 5 has completed.
2024-08-15 16:07:27.871 |
2024-08-15 16:07:27.871 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-08-15 16:07:27.871 | HD Request # 6 | Downloading Intraday chart data for DVOL-NYSE to the file DVOL-NYSE.scid. Service: statscalc
2024-08-15 16:07:27.871 | HD Request # 6 | Download start date-time: 2024-08-15 16:01:40.000000. File last date-time: 2024-08-15 16:01:40.463001
2024-08-15 16:07:27.871 | HD Request # 6 | Using server: ds13-2.sierracharts.com port 10149
2024-08-15 16:07:27.871 | Socket (6) | Creating socket.
2024-08-15 16:07:27.871 | Socket (6) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-15 16:07:27.871 | Socket (6) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-15 16:07:28.126 | Socket (5) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-08-15 16:07:28.126 | Socket (5) | Closed.
2024-08-15 16:07:28.276 | HD Request # 6 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-15 16:07:28.276 | HD Request # 6 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-08-15 16:07:28.705 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Out of order timestamps detected. Chart tool drawings and some chart studies may not function properly. Prior Date Time: 2023-10-04 13:45:00. Next Bar Date Time: 2023-10-04 13:43:00. Filename: ESU24_FUT_CME.scid
2024-08-15 16:07:29.167 | HD Request # 6 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-08-15 16:01:40. Record interval: 0. Symbol: DVOL-NYSE
2024-08-15 16:07:29.366 | HD Request # 6 | Decompressing data.
2024-08-15 16:07:29.565 | HD Request # 6 | Receiving Intraday data for DVOL-NYSE starting at 2024-08-15 16:01:40.000000
2024-08-15 16:07:29.566 | Socket (6) | CloseSocket call.
2024-08-15 16:07:29.566 | Socket (6) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-08-15 16:07:29.650 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\UVOL-NYSE.scid. Thread ID: 20308
2024-08-15 16:07:29.757 | Socket (6) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-08-15 16:07:29.757 | Socket (6) | Closed.
2024-08-15 16:07:29.921 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-08-15 16:07:29.921 | HD Request # 6 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-08-15 16:01:41.000000.
2024-08-15 16:07:29.921 | HD Request # 6 | Received 349 Intraday data records from 2024-08-15 16:01:40.000000 to 2024-08-15 16:07:28.000000 (5.8 minutes. Delay: 1.9 seconds) and wrote 348 records for DVOL-NYSE
2024-08-15 16:07:29.928 | HD Request # 6 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-08-15 16:07:28.000000
2024-08-15 16:07:29.928 | Added 6 Time and Sales records to Intraday data file for DVOL-NYSE after download.
2024-08-15 16:07:29.928 | HD Request # 6 | Completion time: 2s.
2024-08-15 16:07:29.928 | HD Request # 6 | Intraday data download complete for DVOL-NYSE. Unique request ID: 6
2024-08-15 16:07:29.928 | Removing historical data download ID 6.
2024-08-15 16:07:29.928 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for DVOL-NYSE
2024-08-15 16:07:29.928 | Intraday chart data file opened for DVOL-NYSE
2024-08-15 16:07:29.928 | HD Request # 6 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-08-15 16:07:29.928 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #2 | Historical data download for additional symbol DVOL-NYSE with ID 6 has completed.
2024-08-15 16:07:29.928 |
2024-08-15 16:07:29.928 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-08-15 16:07:29.928 | HD Request # 7 | Downloading Intraday chart data for UVOL-NASDAQ to the file UVOL-NASDAQ.scid. Service: statscalc
2024-08-15 16:07:29.929 | HD Request # 7 | Download start date-time: 2024-08-15 16:01:40.000000. File last date-time: 2024-08-15 16:01:40.463001
2024-08-15 16:07:29.929 | HD Request # 7 | Using server: ds4.sierracharts.com port 10150
2024-08-15 16:07:29.929 | Socket (5) | Creating socket.
2024-08-15 16:07:29.929 | Socket (5) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-15 16:07:29.929 | Socket (5) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-15 16:07:30.479 | HD Request # 7 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-15 16:07:30.479 | HD Request # 7 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-08-15 16:07:31.224 | HD Request # 7 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-08-15 16:01:40. Record interval: 0. Symbol: UVOL-NASDAQ
2024-08-15 16:07:31.496 | HD Request # 7 | Decompressing data.
2024-08-15 16:07:31.766 | HD Request # 7 | Receiving Intraday data for UVOL-NASDAQ starting at 2024-08-15 16:01:40.000000
2024-08-15 16:07:31.767 | Socket (5) | CloseSocket call.
2024-08-15 16:07:31.767 | Socket (5) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-08-15 16:07:31.875 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-08-15 16:07:31.875 | HD Request # 7 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-08-15 16:01:41.000000.
2024-08-15 16:07:31.875 | HD Request # 7 | Received 351 Intraday data records from 2024-08-15 16:01:40.000000 to 2024-08-15 16:07:30.000000 (5.8 minutes. Delay: 1.9 seconds) and wrote 350 records for UVOL-NASDAQ
2024-08-15 16:07:31.881 | HD Request # 7 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-08-15 16:07:30.000000
2024-08-15 16:07:31.881 | Added 10 Time and Sales records to Intraday data file for UVOL-NASDAQ after download.
2024-08-15 16:07:31.881 | HD Request # 7 | Completion time: 2s.
2024-08-15 16:07:31.881 | HD Request # 7 | Intraday data download complete for UVOL-NASDAQ. Unique request ID: 7
2024-08-15 16:07:31.881 | Removing historical data download ID 7.
2024-08-15 16:07:31.881 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for UVOL-NASDAQ
2024-08-15 16:07:31.881 | Intraday chart data file opened for UVOL-NASDAQ
2024-08-15 16:07:31.881 | HD Request # 7 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-08-15 16:07:31.881 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #2 | Historical data download for additional symbol UVOL-NASDAQ with ID 7 has completed.
2024-08-15 16:07:31.881 |
2024-08-15 16:07:31.881 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-08-15 16:07:31.881 | HD Request # 8 | Downloading Intraday chart data for DVOL-NASDAQ to the file DVOL-NASDAQ.scid. Service: statscalc
2024-08-15 16:07:31.881 | HD Request # 8 | Download start date-time: 2024-08-15 16:01:40.000000. File last date-time: 2024-08-15 16:01:40.463001
2024-08-15 16:07:31.881 | HD Request # 8 | Using server: ds12.sierracharts.com port 10149
2024-08-15 16:07:31.882 | Socket (6) | Creating socket.
2024-08-15 16:07:31.882 | Socket (6) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-08-15 16:07:31.882 | Socket (6) | Connecting to IP:
2024-08-15 16:07:32.036 | Socket (5) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-08-15 16:07:32.036 | Socket (5) | Closed.
2024-08-15 16:07:32.445 | HD Request # 8 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-08-15 16:07:32.445 | HD Request # 8 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-08-15 16:07:33.206 | HD Request # 8 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-08-15 16:01:40. Record interval: 0. Symbol: DVOL-NASDAQ
2024-08-15 16:07:33.481 | HD Request # 8 | Decompressing data.
2024-08-15 16:07:33.758 | HD Request # 8 | Receiving Intraday data for DVOL-NASDAQ starting at 2024-08-15 16:01:40.000000
2024-08-15 16:07:33.758 | Socket (6) | CloseSocket call.
2024-08-15 16:07:33.758 | Socket (6) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-08-15 16:07:33.847 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-08-15 16:07:33.847 | HD Request # 8 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-08-15 16:01:41.000000.
2024-08-15 16:07:33.848 | HD Request # 8 | Received 352 Intraday data records from 2024-08-15 16:01:40.000000 to 2024-08-15 16:07:31.000000 (5.8 minutes. Delay: 2.8 seconds) and wrote 351 records for DVOL-NASDAQ
2024-08-15 16:07:33.854 | HD Request # 8 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-08-15 16:07:31.000000
2024-08-15 16:07:33.854 | Added 15 Time and Sales records to Intraday data file for DVOL-NASDAQ after download.
2024-08-15 16:07:33.854 | HD Request # 8 | Completion time: 2s.
2024-08-15 16:07:33.854 | HD Request # 8 | Intraday data download complete for DVOL-NASDAQ. Unique request ID: 8
2024-08-15 16:07:33.854 | Removing historical data download ID 8.
2024-08-15 16:07:33.854 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for DVOL-NASDAQ
2024-08-15 16:07:33.854 | Intraday chart data file opened for DVOL-NASDAQ
2024-08-15 16:07:33.854 | HD Request # 8 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-08-15 16:07:33.854 | ESU24_FUT_CME/MESU24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #2 | Historical data download for additional symbol DVOL-NASDAQ with ID 8 has completed.
2024-08-15 16:07:33.854 |
2024-08-15 16:07:33.854 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2024-08-15 16:07:34.031 | Socket (6) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-08-15 16:07:34.031 | Socket (6) | Closed.
2024-08-15 16:07:34.700 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\DVOL-NYSE.scid. Thread ID: 20308
2024-08-15 16:07:34.701 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\UVOL-NASDAQ.scid. Thread ID: 20308
2024-08-15 16:07:34.701 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\DVOL-NASDAQ.scid. Thread ID: 20308
2024-08-15 16:07:38.203 | ESU24_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Out of order timestamps detected. Chart tool drawings and some chart studies may not function properly. Prior Date Time: 2023-11-08 09:28:00. Next Bar Date Time: 2023-11-08 09:22:00. Filename: ESU24_FUT_CME.scid
[2024-08-15 16:39:12]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34744
Please do the following:
- Disable the use of custom symbol settings by de-selecting the option for "Use Custom Symbol Settings Values" on the "Global Settings >> Symbol Settings" window. Refer to the following:
Global Symbol Settings: Use Custom Symbol Settings Values (Global Settings >> Symbol Settings)

- Update your Symbol Settings following these instructions:
Global Symbol Settings: Update Symbol Settings

- Exit from Sierra Chart and use the "Forced Login" option when you start it again. Refer to the following:
Sierra Chart - Software Login Instructions: Forced Login

Let us know if you still have a problem after this.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2024-08-15 17:34:22]
greenugly - Posts: 18
followed the steps. all fixed now. working fine.

Many thanks

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