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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:37:39 +0000

automatically adjusting...

View Count: 104

[2024-07-12 15:23:30]
SafSaf - Posts: 80
hello lads, please see attached image for reference;

i'm trying to get one study to track another automatically. i have 3 studies in total in the 2nd chart window.... volume bars, a volume line which i adjust manually, and a simple moving average line.

essentially, i'd like my volume line to track the moving average average (not a typo) automatically?
imageScreenshot 2024-07-12 111214.png / V - Attached On 2024-07-12 15:20:00 UTC - Size: 28.74 KB - 31 views
[2024-07-12 15:39:08]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34455
We think what you are wanting is to have a line that draws across the chart from the Moving Average study's current value to the left side of the chart.

To do this, add the "Study Subgraph Reference" study to the chart and set it to reference the Moving Average study. Then set the Draw Style for the subgraph to be "Line At Last Bar to Left Side".

Refer to the following:
Study Subgraph Reference

Chart Studies: Line at Last Bar to Left Side (ACSIL: DRAWSTYLE_LINE_AT_LAST_BAR_TO_LEFT_SIDE)
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[2024-07-12 16:20:59]
SafSaf - Posts: 80
ok that works great, however, and i should have mentioned this before, i also have a colour bar based on above/below study which changes the colour of the candle when the volume is above the volume bar. it doesn't seem to work with the study subgraph reference study? the candles are not changing colour when the volume is above the new line
[2024-07-12 16:31:52]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34455
It doesn't matter if you are using the Study Subgraph Reference or the study that the Study Subgraph Reference references. They both will have the same information at each bar. The Study Subgraph Reference just gives you a way to display the data in a different way.

So if you had this working previously, then just leave it as it was. Otherwise, we would need to know what you are trying to do and what is/is not working.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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