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Date/Time: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 01:12:30 +0000

SC 1174 - Lost Global/Symbol Cursor

View Count: 1098

[2014-08-26 08:04:52]
User51760 - Posts: 108
Hello Support Team,

on trying to activate the Global Cursor (as well as the Symbol Cursor) nothing would happen: no global/symbol cursor.
Please refer to this short .wmv video (1:13 min) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5931986/global_cursor.wmv

Version 1174, 4 symbol/scroll position linked charts, same symbol.

What am I missing?

Thank you for your support,


[2014-08-26 08:39:04]
User51760 - Posts: 108
Hello Support Team,

most of the time problems are on my side and I am missing something:

In this case I have 2 chartbooks open on a 8 Monitor system. The charts are detached and set to "Always Visible" in order to fit to the monitors.
Now --> the corresponding chartbook has to be activated in order to show the global cursor. On having activated the correct chartbook everything works perfectly.

Problem solved.

This case brings up two requests:

1.) Giving the user the option having activated more than one chartbook at a time (when charts are detached and "always visible).
2.) Detaching complete chartbooks from SC-Main-Window, like in a tabbed browser or in some other charting software.

Of course I don't have a clue of technical issues why that would not be possible.

Thank you for your consideration,


[2014-08-26 09:33:11]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Very unusual problem. Cannot think of a reason just yet.

The first thing that comes to mind is possibly out of order timestamps in the Intraday chart data. Although from what we see that does not appear to be the cause.

Just to make sure re-download the data with Edit >> Delete All Data and Download.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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