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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:14:32 +0000

[User Discussion] - Scroll chart by chart through a chartbook at timed intervals.

View Count: 202

[2024-06-26 23:36:13]
User14953 - Posts: 232
What options are available for navigating through charts in a chartbook at timed intervals?
[2024-06-27 13:03:30]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34452
There is not a way to automatically scroll through the charts in a chartbook.

There is a "Scan" option that allows you to scan through all symbols or a list of symbols from the Associated Watchlist. Refer to the following:
Changing the Symbol of a Chart: Scanning
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2024-07-08 14:49:43]
Mercrastius - Posts: 38
You could try using a keyboard/mouse macro recorder. Maybe setup your layout so all the charts are detached, and have the macro just click one at a time thru them in the windows taskbar? Or do the same thing having tabs for all the chart windows in the main Sierrachart screen and click thru each tab?


Use at your own risk though, using macro recorders is kinda spooky. When your cursor starts doing stuff on it's own it's unsettling, especially with a trading platform open.
[2024-07-10 17:16:29]
User14953 - Posts: 232
Use at your own risk though, using macro recorders is kinda spooky. When your cursor starts doing stuff on it's own it's unsettling, especially with a trading platform open.

; AutoHotkey script to select Sierra Chart window and simulate F9 keypress

; The name of the Sierra Chart window (adjust if necessary)
windowTitle := "Sierra Chart"

; Activate the Sierra Chart window
IfWinExist, %windowTitle%
; Wait for the window to become active
WinWaitActive, %windowTitle%
; Simulate the F9 keypress
Send, {F9}
MsgBox, Sierra Chart is not running.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-07-10 17:23:32
[2024-07-10 18:04:41]
User14953 - Posts: 232
Use at your own risk though, using macro recorders is kinda spooky. When your cursor starts doing stuff on it's own it's unsettling, especially with a trading platform open.

Provides a timer to simulate the F9 keypress at the assigned interval.

#Persistent ; Keep the script running
SetTimer, CheckForTimer, 1000 ; Check every second if it's time to run the main function

; Global variables
global timerInterval := 0 ; Store the interval in milliseconds
global lastRunTime := 0 ; Store the last time the script ran

; The name of the Sierra Chart window (adjust if necessary)
windowTitle := "Sierra Chart"

; GUI to set the timer
Gui, Add, Text,, Enter interval in seconds:
Gui, Add, Edit, vIntervalInput w100
Gui, Add, Button, gSetTimer, Set Timer
Gui, Add, Button, gStopTimer, Stop Timer
Gui, Show


Gui, Submit, NoHide
if (IntervalInput is not number)
MsgBox, Please enter a valid number.
timerInterval := IntervalInput * 1000 ; Convert seconds to milliseconds
lastRunTime := A_TickCount ; Reset the last run time
MsgBox, Timer set to run every %IntervalInput% seconds.

timerInterval := 0
MsgBox, Timer stopped.

if (timerInterval > 0 && A_TickCount - lastRunTime >= timerInterval)
lastRunTime := A_TickCount
GoSub, RunMainFunction

; Activate the Sierra Chart window
IfWinExist, %windowTitle%
; Wait for the window to become active
WinWaitActive, %windowTitle%
; Simulate the F9 keypress
Send, {F9}
MsgBox, Sierra Chart is not running.


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