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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:08:13 +0000

What is this DOM study called?

View Count: 228

[2024-06-23 19:50:43]
User429142 - Posts: 41
What brought me to sierra chart was because i follow a youtuber who uses your software and likes it a lot. I trade differently than him but I like this chart dom indicator/study he has on his chart. Check screenshot.

how can I recreate this on my chart? what's it called?

I'm a chart trader and don't use the traditional dom but I like the idea of having these dom bars on my chart and for it to look similar.
imageScreenshot_5.jpg / V - Attached On 2024-06-23 19:47:36 UTC - Size: 64.74 KB - 56 views
[2024-06-24 17:04:28]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34450
That is the "DOM Graph". Refer to the following:
Chart Settings: Draw DOM Graph On Chart (Chart >> Chart Settings >> Market Depth >> DOM Graph menu)
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[2024-06-24 18:12:52]
User429142 - Posts: 41
Thanks! I set this up on two different instances and it looks very different for some reason. Im hoping you can help me out.

Screenshot 8= is the MNQU24. Here the DOM graph bars are very tight together and I don't see too deep into the market.

Screen shot 9= MESU24 chart. Here the DOM bars are spaced out and are easier to read. I can also see way deeper into the market. There are many more data lines.

I looked in the settings and I couldn't find anything different between the two.
How do I make the dom of screenshot 8 look like screenshot 9 dom?
imageScreenshot_8.jpg / V - Attached On 2024-06-24 18:07:24 UTC - Size: 63.2 KB - 35 views
imageScreenshot_9.jpg / V - Attached On 2024-06-24 18:08:23 UTC - Size: 44.87 KB - 32 views
[2024-06-24 19:16:56]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34450
To begin with, there is a scaling difference. The spacing between ticks is greater in Screenshot 9 than they are in Screenshot 8.

It's also possible that you have set the "Market Depth Combine Increment in Ticks" on the MESU24 chart and not on the MNQU24 chart. Refer to the following:
Chart Settings: Market Depth Combine Increment in Ticks (Chart >> Chart Settings >> Market Depth menu)
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[2024-06-24 19:59:27]
User429142 - Posts: 41
I feel like I changed every green color in the graphics settings> Chart DOM
and I couldn't figure out how to change these colors. See SS.
This green and red is just a little too bright for my eyes.
What are these settings called inside the graphics settings to change these colors?
imageScreenshot_12.jpg / V - Attached On 2024-06-24 19:57:35 UTC - Size: 16.7 KB - 30 views
[2024-06-24 20:31:47]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34450
The following 4 items control the colors of the DOM Graph:
- DOM Graph Ask Lines Begin Color
- DOM Graph Ask Lines End Color
- DOM Graph Bid Lines Begin Color
- DOM Graph Bid Lines End Color
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[2024-06-24 20:40:11]
User429142 - Posts: 41
Tried changing all 4 of those color and it didn't change them. Must be something else.
imageScreenshot_13.jpg / V - Attached On 2024-06-24 20:39:49 UTC - Size: 134.94 KB - 38 views
[2024-06-24 20:58:29]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34450
Those are definitely the items that change the DOM Graph colors. We just tried and verified it.

First, make sure to update to the latest release. We are not sure exactly when these items were added, so it is best to be on the current release to make sure you are on a version where this is working.

Next, make sure that you are changing the colors in the correct location. There are both Global and Chart graphics settings, so depending on how your Chart/Trade DOM is setup with respect to this, you would have to make the change in one location or the other. Refer to the following:
Graphics Settings: Using Different Color and Graphics Settings for Specific Charts
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2024-06-24 22:06:22]
User429142 - Posts: 41
Ohh i see what i was doing. I was editing global but the chart didn't have "use global" selected. Everything makes sense now.

I just made a lot of changes and then copied it to the global chart. Great.

Now I would like to get all these same global settings to my second instance.
What is the file called within C:\SierraChart that stores the global graphic design settings?
That way i can just copy/overwrite the within the file system to save me time.
[2024-06-25 13:39:41]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34450
The Global system settings (including graphics) are stored in the file named 'Sierra4.config' and is located in the main Sierra Chart installation folder. You can copy that to another instance. Just make sure Sierra Chart is not running in either location when you do the copy.
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