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Date/Time: Sun, 24 Nov 2024 14:08:16 +0000

chart dissapearing

View Count: 152

[2024-06-06 00:55:59]
User224963 - Posts: 12
Hello there

When I get my chart, all set up with objective to work on my next chart and I detach the chart it disappears as though I deleted it without deleting it not able to find it though I see that the destroy chart when detaching is showing NO. When I uninstall and reinstall Sierra of course the chart I was looking for in my set of charts with in my G7FX Foundation is there. I have not been able to correct this problem from continuing to happen. Is there a way I can prevent this. It hasn't been happening but today it is happening every time. I have uninstalled and reinstalled about 4 times.
[2024-06-06 14:29:41]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36238
There is nearly never a reason to re-install Sierra Chart.

The problem you are having is that the operating system is placing the chart somewhere outside the view of your monitor, and unfortunately, Windows has made it harder to be able to solve this problem. You should have a piece of the window visible. You may need to click on the taskbar icon to see where the window is opening to and then see if you can grab an edge in order to bring it into view.

Worst case, you can use the Task Manager to select that window and then maximize it. That will allow you to view it maximized. You can then either work with it that way, or you can attach it to your main Sierra Chart window to work with it that way.

Finally, there is the option to close that chart and start over with a new chart. Duplicating it will not help, as it will still keep trying to be placed off screen.
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