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Date/Time: Tue, 26 Nov 2024 08:23:19 +0000

Feature Request: TWCONFIG Order Quantity Ratio's

View Count: 269

[2023-12-27 00:47:29]
User233953 - Posts: 6
As far as I know a user needs to have many Trade Window Configs saved in order to maintain certain ratios of orders when changing quantities but seeking particular ratios of quantity distribution. A feature to set a ratio between multiple orders instead of specific quantities would be great, based on the total selected Qty. Each OCO group should have an optional quantity ratio of the total quantity, instead of JUST quantity field. Alternatively could add a ratio checkbox that when checked maintains the ratio used in the saved TWCONFIG and applies it to new order quantities.

Example, currently my TWCONFIG is:

Order 1: Qty 2
Order 2: Qty 6
Order 3: Qty 2

Sum is 10. If autotrader position quantity changed to 100, instead of Sierra Chart distributing quantity as: 20, 60, 20, it just changes to evenly distribute quantity. This makes it difficult to achieve on the fly position sizing with predefined distribution ratio of orders. If there's an existing method to solve this, please advise.

Thank you kindly for considering!

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