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Date/Time: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 03:41:40 +0000

The option to edit study IDs manually

View Count: 1216

[2023-10-31 10:19:16]
ninjus - Posts: 29
I would love to see the ability for us to be able edit study IDs manually. i.e. change study ID6 to ID7.
When you have some complicated study collections that have references to studies within them and you add them to charts that already occupy those study IDs you then have to fix all your references and formulas.
Being able to reassign a study with a different ID number could help rectify this issue in a lot of cases.
[2023-10-31 18:45:49]
Sawtooth - Posts: 4083
There is a workaround to change ID#s: Use repeated Duplicate and Remove.

This works because the lowest vacant ID# is assigned to the next added/duplicated study.

You just have to think about in which order to do each action.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-04-16 19:47:51
[2023-10-31 19:08:46]
ninjus - Posts: 29
Yes I do that already. It sometimes helps. ID edit function would be so much better.
[2023-11-04 11:49:34]
ninjus - Posts: 29
[2023-11-04 14:52:55]
User719512 - Posts: 244
I would think a better feature request is that a study collection would treat IDs like a template and when you add one to a chart, Sierra automatically adjusts them all accordingly.

So a collection with 1,2,3,4 where 1 references 2 and 2 references 3,4 and gets added to a chart as 6,8,9,12 will have 6 reference 8 and 8 reference 9,12.

Sierra Chart Engineering, can this be considered for a future enhancement?
[2023-11-04 16:44:25]
ninjus - Posts: 29
But if you are pulling in a study collection with spreadsheet formula studies in, that reference the other studies in that study collection you're still stuck manually updating stuff. Nothing is going to be perfect for it but being able to edit study IDs would be the the most versatile solution.
[2023-11-04 17:35:46]
User719512 - Posts: 244
Same for any study that references Time and then you share your chartbook with someone in a different timezone. No concept timezone in the selections...just a value, so it doesn't update nor let you reliably reference a time in a different time zone like "London Open" where their daylight savings starts/ends different than NY, so your charts are off till either you change it, or wait till the time difference is back to being in sync. Agree...no perfect solution, but any changes in these areas will definitely be more versatile as you call out.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2023-11-04 17:47:18
[2023-11-30 14:26:24]
ninjus - Posts: 29
[2023-12-01 09:07:52]
User61168 - Posts: 381
My 2 cents.... Better option would be to request SC engineering to just make ID# internal to the platform and have us use the study name to reference the study and more importantly, use "shortname" of the subgraph in alert formula. It will make our lives sooooo much easier as it will allow us to maintain a standard library of our entire codeset in notepad++ and 'port' formulas quickly across study collections. This would be a fantastic enhancement imo.

Same goes for chart drawing UIDs also. Every time to create a drawing it gets a new UID and breaks the alert formula leaving us with no option to port across charts.
[2023-12-01 13:55:42]
Sawtooth - Posts: 4083
Better option would be to request SC engineering to just make ID# internal to the platform and have us use the study name to reference the study and more importantly, use "shortname" of the subgraph in alert formula.
Same goes for chart drawing UIDs.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2023-12-01 13:56:02
[2023-12-10 10:39:41]
User299099 - Posts: 3
[2023-12-10 11:44:44]
User916849 - Posts: 2
Better option would be to request SC engineering to just make ID# internal to the platform and have us use the study name to reference the study and more importantly, use "shortname" of the subgraph in alert formula.
Same goes for chart drawing UIDs.


I would love to see the ability for us to be able edit study IDs manually. i.e. change study ID6 to ID7.
When you have some complicated study collections that have references to studies within them and you add them to charts that already occupy those study IDs you then have to fix all your references and formulas.
Being able to reassign a study with a different ID number could help rectify this issue in a lot of cases.


Both would work
[2023-12-10 13:35:58]
CoryW - Posts: 16

Excellent ideas; and to add to the ability to use the "shortname" - that could be an additional option so that the study ID#'s will still work to be backwards compatible.
[2023-12-10 15:41:27]
alextrader81 - Posts: 2
[2023-12-10 15:43:26]
PapaSoma - Posts: 6
+1 to original post

+1 to shortname reference.

It just makes sense
[2023-12-10 16:36:22]
HumblyTrading - Posts: 177
+1 (unless I get more votes, then +100)

This would be very helpful!
[2023-12-10 20:31:55]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 16292
We will check on this.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2023-12-10 20:42:29]
User61168 - Posts: 381
Thanks SC engineering and to all users who gave the +s.

Could I also request to device a way to allow users 1) to include a custom description for each study and 2) to include meaningful comments in our simple alert formula code.
Maintaining code/logic documentation in notepad++ outside of the platform is also a huge pain.
[2023-12-11 14:12:20]
PhiX - Posts: 34
+1 editable IDs
+1 using shortname

Also - in study settings can the alert condition window be enlarged? There is a huge amount of unused screen real estate below the check boxes.
I type conditions line by line so after 5 lines the window starts scrolling down so the top lines disappear.
It would be nice to see all the conditions without having to scroll up and down.
[2024-03-05 16:07:47]
ninjus - Posts: 29
Any update on this feature?
[2024-03-15 03:35:40]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 16292
We are still not ready to do this at this time. Only when we update the Chart Studies window to the new format.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2024-04-16 19:42:46]
DirtyGoats - Posts: 3
Love all the options listed above. Look forward to something being changed. Appreciate everyone’s efforts and contributions.
[2024-04-16 23:53:25]
User61168 - Posts: 381
update the Chart Studies window
I hope it’s not just a different look and feel “window”. Please make this into a fully functional nextgen IDE with more tighter integration with Notepad++ editor for syntax checking, debugging and ease of making universal changes via text-editable configuration files. In the current design, there are just too many clicks required. Also, lease devise a way to allow algo traders/developers to manage/maintain multiple versions of study collection. That would be awesome.
[2024-04-22 20:18:06]
Ackin - Posts: 1865
+1 for edit ID

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