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Date/Time: Wed, 27 Nov 2024 00:34:23 +0000

Apply Global Graphics Settings to a Chart

View Count: 459

[2023-10-16 15:28:20]
MarkusK - Posts: 99
I created a specific chart some weeks ago.

Since then, I changed my Global Graphics Settings multiple times, so the (local) graphics settings of this chart do no longer match my current Global Graphics Settings.

Now, I want to apply my current Global Graphics Setting to the beforementioned chart, but I want to customize them a little bit (only change one or two properties for this specific chart).

When I deselect the option "Use Global Graphics Settings Instead of These Settings" in the Graphics Settings of this chart, it applies the old/outdated graphics settings which I had weeks ago.
Is there any way to apply my current Global Graphics Settings to this chart, and then slightly customize them afterwards (only for this specific chart)?

What is the easiest way to achieve this?
[2023-10-16 16:40:05]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36309
What you are seeing is the way that it works. When you modify the chart Graphics Settings, those become the settings for that chart, regardless of the state of the option for "Use Global Graphics Settings Instead of These Settings".

There is no workaround for this, except perhaps to start a new chart and then get it setup the way you want (which may be faster, depending on how complex your chart is). Otherwise, you will have to update the chart graphics settings for the way you want them.
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[2023-10-16 16:52:58]
MarkusK - Posts: 99
Ok, I see. That's unfortunate, but thanks for the explanation.

Would you maybe consider adding such an option to load/apply the Global Graphics Settings to a specific chart in a future version of Sierra Chart?

I think this would be a nice usability feature. And since you already have a drop-down to select and load graphics settings (in the Global Graphics Settings dialog), I would assume it's only minimal development effort to show this drop-down and the corresponding load-button on the chart-specific Graphics Settings dialog?
[2023-10-16 20:57:37]
Trader & Sierra++ developer - Posts: 109

For similar needs I’ve built a tool to help with graphics settings. It’s just released.
May be it could help you : https://sierra-pp.com
[2023-10-17 09:01:43]
MarkusK - Posts: 99
Thanks for the link, I will gladly have a look at it.

Your tool seems to provide exactly the comfort and usability features that I was looking for (and which I would honestly have expected to be basic functionality within Sierra Chart itself).

However, I could not find any specific information about the price, only that there is a free 2-week trial.
Did I miss it, or does the homepage not mention any details about the price?
[2023-10-17 11:38:59]
Trader & Sierra++ developer - Posts: 109
You are right there is no price information yet, this should be ready by next week-end (the price is only part of the job, there is also payment methods, currency considerations - I'm in the EU, taxes, accounting fees, etc).

As written on the website I aim to provide very good value for money, similar to Sierra Chart. I'm targeting a long-term monthly price around 10-12 USD. I'd like to enable short-duration licenses too but I can't afford numerous small, short-term payments. I'm working on it.

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