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Date/Time: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 00:21:01 +0000

Chart Title, How to change text to static value

View Count: 322

[2023-08-17 20:39:27]
User654047 - Posts: 9
I'm trying to setup a chart placement using DisplayFusion.

Some charts have changing text such as contract, time and data feed info as in the attached image.

This is causing problems for saving a chart placement profile -a static title is needed.

Can each title be reduced to a "static" non-changing title? For example certain windows are fine such as "Alert Manager" or "Message Log", these labels don't change.

I have many charts so each chart would need a unique title identifier.
imageWindow Text.png / V - Attached On 2023-08-17 20:36:42 UTC - Size: 17.34 KB - 69 views
[2023-08-17 20:51:41]
JohnR - User831573 - Posts: 304
Check out this item

how do i re-name a chart within a chartbook?
how do i re-name a chart within a chartbook?

Hope this helps,
[2023-08-18 09:56:10]
User654047 - Posts: 9
Hi John,

Setting the title bar would be useful and provide a static label.

But I would also need to remove all the details that come after, basically everything in the prior attached image. As this is being picked up as part of the title in DisplayFusion.
[2023-08-18 13:44:38]
JohnR - User831573 - Posts: 304
I use AutoHotKey not DisplayFusion. One way I use it is to bring certain certain windows to be visible. It allows me to search for substrings within the entire window title. I see that DisplayFusion does as well. You might try that feature.

It seems DF has a similar match capability.

Hope this helps,

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